A common thread with Common Core

Published January 8, 2016

Editorial by Rocky Mount Telegram, January 7, 2016.

The political bashing that public education gets year in, year out, has always been a bit of a head-scratcher. We don’t recall ever having a math teacher, for example, who tried to teach multiplication tables with an agenda that was liberal or conservative. Just learn the darn tables, kids. They’re useful.

But North Carolina’s on-again, off-again, on-again association with the Common Core curriculum has been one for the books – textbooks, not included.

The curriculum was developed and proposed by educators from all over the country and by the National Governors Association – most of whose members are Republican.

It has come under fire from ... mostly Republicans, including a majority in the N.C. General Assembly. The legislature here wasted little time in announcing that it planned to develop a curriculum to replace Common Core, and so it did. Sort of.

But the Academic Standards Review Commission charged with developing a new curriculum announced last month that its members were unable to agree on much of anything to replace Common Core.

The commission wound up recommending a few cosmetic changes to the standards and said teachers needed more training.

Other than that, the new curriculum is pretty much Common Core under a different name, according to one commission co-chairwoman.

If that’s settled, maybe teachers can turn their attention now to more important matters. We hear multiplication tables can be pretty useful.

January 8, 2016 at 8:43 am
Norm Kelly says:

As with most things Communist Core, are 'old-fashioned' multiplication tables allowed?

There are 2 things that have come out of Communist Core since it was forced upon students. First, it was not accepted by most states until central planners offered a hefty bribe.

Second, students are NOT allowed any variation in how to solve a math problem. Students are REQUIRED to follow the standard solution steps exactly or points are deducted. Even when students show how they arrived at the answer, that the answer is correct, students are routinely having points deducted because they didn't follow the required 14 steps to solve a simple problem. This isn't teaching math this is simply indoctrination. Follow the rules, or else! How else does anyone explain this?

Second, when it comes to the 'language arts' part of Communist Core, parents and students are ignored, pushed aside, and marginalized. Reading material and writing assignments are given to students that are age & grade level inappropriate. When a parent complains about a specific book or writing assignment, the parent is usually ignored and the student is left with the impression that government knows what's better for the child. When a writing or reading assignment involves Islam, no debate or question is allowed and no punishment for the teacher or school. When a Christian theme is even hinted at, or a Christmas song is considered, suddenly the government steps in to prevent any 'religious indoctrination'. Is the obvious Islamic bent and obvious ban on anything Christian due to Communist Core OR simply the left-wing zealots' hatred of anything Christian? Even private business is being penalized for upholding their Christian beliefs while Islamic people aren't just being left alone but are being promoted as the religion of peace and understanding while insuring that they get time to pray every hour as well as fully cover their faces in every circumstance. Special treatment is being given to Islamists in every aspect of life while at the same time prosecuting Christians. This started in society as a whole and is now moving into the government education monopoly. Does this have anything to do with Communist Core or the fact that the current White House occupier isn't as Christian as he once claimed (hint: he IS an islamist!)? The Core curriculum MAY not endorse Islam, but the implementation of Communist Core certainly endorses Islam. Why? If leftists can have no god before government, what's in it for them to endorse Islam?

January 8, 2016 at 11:40 am
Mike Yorke says:

Common Core's refusal to allow memorizing multiplication tables would be funny if you can get by stupid.

Yet another product of the excess of administrators in field of education in NC and nationwide.Bored administrators with nothing to do so they invent things whereas, almost always,the result is meaningless or just wrong for students. ie Common Core.