After SPIN! Video - 12/07/14 - "State revenue is down, are tax cuts to blame?"

Published December 10, 2014

After SPIN! Video - 12/07/14 - Question to John Hood – For the first four months of the state’s fiscal year we collected about $300 million less than during the same period last year. Some are saying we could end the year with $1 billion less. Some credit the problem to the tax cuts that we implemented over the past two years. Others say North Carolina’s economy isn’t rebounding as well as had been projected. You recently wrote a column suggesting we not panic about the situation. Explain your point."

December 10, 2014 at 11:15 am
Richard Bunce says:

The State confiscating less of the peoples wealth is a good thing... spending even less than revenue collected of the peoples wealth is a great thing.