After SPIN! Video: How are the Dreamers viewed by North Carolinians?

Published February 1, 2018

After SPIN! "Question to Becki and Rufus – The big news nationally about the government shutdown focused more on the issue of immigration, specifically 800,000 DACA immigrants. The shutdown was avoided but we wondered how this conversation was received by North Carolinians. We know we have a large immigrant population here. How big an issue is this among naturalized citizens, immigrants and specifically the so-called dreamers?"

February 1, 2018 at 10:11 am
Norm Kelly says:

Unless someone comes out to me as being here illegally, how would I know?

How do I feel about DACA people? I do NOT hate them as demoncrats accuse me of. Whenever someone disagrees with demons, they claim it's because of hatred. It has nothing to do with hatred. It has to do with legal vs. illegal.

Demons want to pick & choose which laws are to be followed and which laws are to be ignored. When it comes to benefiting the demon party, they are all for ignoring the law. When it's bad for demons, they want to ignore the law. But when it's bad for United States citizens, demons like it. When it's bad for conservative, demons love it. When it's bad for religious people, specifically Christians, demons fight to enforce it all the way to SCOTUS. Demons will judge shop until they find one that will ignore the law and decide based on 'feelings'.

How do I feel about DACA people? They are here illegally. They have broken the law to be here. We should treat illegal aliens the same way their home country treats illegal aliens. South of our border, Mexico doesn't ask questions, they put illegals in jail. They have no compassion for why their law was broken, they simply do what any sovereign nation should do. They throw law breakers into jail!

Then there's the European country. They don't allow ANY immigrant to become a citizen. They don't allow children of immigrants to become citizens. They allow grandchildren of immigrants to become citizens. If demons/libs/socialists in our country love European socialists so much, why are our socialists not willing to implement the same type of immigration policy? Cuz illegals given citizenship by demons will probably feel obligated to demons and vote for demons. That's all demons see in illegals.

I see illegal aliens as law breakers. I see illegal aliens as stealing jobs from US citizens. I see illegal aliens as adding to crowded schools. I see illegal aliens in the same light I see Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea. Law breakers first, but for some reason not serving time in prison.

If you want to allow illegal aliens to break this law, then what law do I get to break and claim amnesty? Can I pick the law I don't like and flaunt it?

Remember, 'Americans are dreamers too'!

Would I change my opinion if I knew an illegal alien? Probably not because being illegal is still breaking the law, even if I know the person. You rob your local bank, you have broken the law and I will report you if I know about it. If you crash your car into mine, and I see it, I will report you to the police because you have broken the law if you leave the scene. Why is it so hard to understand that we are a sovereign nation, our laws are just as important as any other sovereign nations laws. So why are our laws allowed to be broken by illegal aliens? And since we've provided amnesty to these law breakers in the past, and nothing has changed, why would we consider providing amnesty again?

What I want is for our nation to start enforcing ALL the laws on the books, or change the laws. Even people in high government positions, such as Hildabeast, Billary, Comey, and other high-ranking gov't employees should suffer the same consequences an average American would suffer. I want special dispensation to be stopped. I have special dispensation because, and only because, Jesus provided a path for me. But that's a different discussion altogether. A discussion the entire demon party wants to prevent me from having.

February 1, 2018 at 2:50 pm
Bruce Stanley says:

The President's proposal of pathway to citizenship in exchange for reform of chain migration, visa lottery program and funding for The Wall is perfectly reasonable. He ran on building The Wall, and won, no?