After SPIN! Video -"How should teachers be compensated?"

Published May 18, 2016

After SPIN! "Question to Dennis Wicker – Representative Craig Horn, who chairs the House Appropriations committee on Education said last week he would like to scrap the current teacher pay formula. You’ve been on the State Board of Education as well as a legislative leader. Should the current formula be changed? If so, how would you devise a compensation plan for teachers?"

May 18, 2016 at 7:30 pm
Tad Richard says:

A not so interesting non-answer. Talking about "pay scales" and "state averages" only serves to keep us all thinking of teachers as commodities.

Doctors don't get paid based upon a fixed longevity scale. Nobody cares what the average pay for a lawyer is in NC versus other states.

How do we fairly evaluate and compensate teachers on an INDIVIDUAL basis? Unless and until we can answer that question, we commit ourselves to mediocrity; both in quality of education, and in teacher compensation.