After SPIN! Video: Chris Fitzsimon discusses the possibility Medicaid expanding in NC.

Published November 14, 2018

After SPIN! Video from the November 9th program:

In this video Chris Fitzsimon discusses the possibility Medicaid expanding in NC.

November 14, 2018 at 7:01 pm
Norm Kelly says:

Oh, goody. Just what we need, a failing, can't-possibly-succeed program being expanded in our state.

Even when Democrats are asked about how they will pay for it, they can't answer, don't even try to answer, they just blame Republicans for not expanding it, for being racist, or for hating the poor. But to actually answer the question is not something ANY democrat has tried to do or shown any capacity to answer.

Remember, socialized medicine was supposed to increase competition. Yet there are areas where there are fewer companies offering insurance AFTER obumblercare than before. There are some areas where the insurance isn't available, and in most areas where it is available it's MORE EXPENSIVE not less. The promise was that we'd have a unique situation in the world if we implemented socialized medicine: every where else in the world that socialized med is implemented, the costs skyrocket, the coverage plummets, and the care sucks. Yet, for some reason, democrats PROMISED us the exact opposite would happen. Why? Because it was OUR socialists in charge, not those failing socialists in foreign countries!

So, do we really want to expand medicaid in our state KNOWING it's going to increase costs, reduce care, and eventually bankrupt the state (cuz it's already in the process of bankrupting the country!)? Can our state afford socialized medicine? The obvious answer is NO, but some people are so committed to their ideology that they don't care about facts. And there's not a single democrat or alt-left zealot who even recognizes facts any more. When presented with a fact, it's typical for libs to refer to the fact-producer as a racist, and change the subject!