After SPIN! Video: Rick Henderson discusses the composition of the State Supreme Court.

Published February 21, 2019

After SPIN! Video from the February 15th program:

In this video Rick Henderson discusses the composition of the State Supreme Court.

February 22, 2019 at 7:10 pm
Norm Kelly says:

IF Roy appoints a Democrat? Why is there an IF at the beginning of that? What ostrich even comes close to thinking Roy would appoint anything BUT a democrat? Roy is about as partisan as one can get, or he's become so since being elected governor. Prior to that Roy seemed to be a reasonable guy. Since the election, he's anything but.

What part of ultra-partisan Roy would consider a non-Democrat? If the gov were a Republican, people would be coming out of the woodwork to insist that the R gov be as non-partisan as possible and pick the most qualified person (and every R on the list would be denigrated by dems and their allies in media). Since partisan democrats are in control of the state, only democrats will be considered for appointment. Check the list, the initial long list and the short list. Not a single non-dem will be on the list. And the idea of qualifications will not enter the picture. The question will be which democrat will fill the position now, and which democrat will want to run in the next election to keep the court liberal.

Besides, dems in control of Raleigh want to force more socialism upon us, like socialized medicine. If they have total control of the court, they are guaranteed to get friendly results for their schemes. The future of our state looks pretty bleak by having so many socialists in control. Higher taxes. More regulation. More government control of every aspect of our lives. Gerrymandered districts regardless of how they claim the committee will be non-partisan. Dems are in control of Raleigh, so they'll be sure to stack the committee with dems.