After SPIN! Video: Why aren't lottery proceeds paying to build new schools?

Published July 12, 2016

After SPIN! "Question to Chris Fitzsimon – We talked on a recent show about how hard it was for rural counties to build new schools. Weren’t we originally told much of lottery proceeds would build new schools? How and when did the formula for school construction change and what should it be returned to the original concept?"

July 12, 2016 at 10:36 am
Norm Kelly says:

I used to be white. I now identify as black.

I used to be male. I now identify as either transgender or multi-gender.

I used to be a Christian. I now identify as a muslim.

I used to be a Conservative, registered Republican but actually more Libertarian. Not that it was any of your business. But I now identify as a Democrat.

Need proof? I agreed with CHRIS! Either all of the above is true, OR Hell has truly frozen over.

First, the state should not have a lottery. See, told you. I agree with Chris. We probably don't agree on the reason(s), but that matters not.

Second, if the state is going to be in the gambling business, the money should be spent on one item and one item only. We know demons foisted this fiasco on us with a lie, and immediately started changing the rules. Unfortunately Republicans have continued down the same misbegotten path demons started. Can't really blame them for that. And the chances of removing state-sponsored gambling now is non-existent.

What's our choice(s)? Simply force politicians to stop playing around with proceeds from gambling, start forcing them to stick with the original plan. As bad as this plan is, after all it does come from demon 'minds', at least the money was SUPPOSED to go to the right place.

Back to the beginning: now that I identify with all the right liberal positions/categories, I feel much safer. I can go out in public and not be harassed for being me. I figure if I can't defeat stoopid liberal crap, might as well take advantage of their id10cy and play their game. And if it makes me more protected in the process, more power to me. And there's not a single lib out there who can whine about my choices. If it's good for them to 'identify' a certain way, they have no choice but to allow anyone else to do the same. I know. They are libs/demons, so they will whine anyway. They can't help themselves. Whining is the default position of libs/demons.

Which is why it concerns me so much that I've agreed with Chris. Most libs are so archaic, so arcane, so out of touch with reality that when they are on the right, proper, correct side of an issue, it's scary. It almost makes me think I'm on the wrong side of this issue as well. Since I only identify as a Democrat, I know that I can still think and therefore am on the right side of this issue. But it's making me think twice! It is POSSIBLE that some libs can see the truth in front of them (really?) and therefore it just might be one of them coming to the proper side of this issue. (i won't hold my breath! almost certain that this agreement will last seconds, and then lib-dom will take over again!)

July 12, 2016 at 10:55 am
Juanita Dixon says:

Chris, during the first 8 years of Governor Hunts terms, I was on the Governor's Advisory Council. Ernest Messer, who had been in the House for 21 years, was tapped by Governor Hunt to take over the Division of Aging. He told me then (80's) and repeated it until the day he died, that if NC ever voted in an "Education Lottery" the General Assembly would start taking away the education funding in the budget and use lottery money. He said he was there for 21 years and he knew how they worked and what was on their minds, even back then, about a lottery. He was against it. Everything he told me back then, is coming true now.