Are we a nation of vanishing adults?

Published July 7, 2017

By Tom Campbell

by Tom Campbell, Producer and Moderator, NC SPIN, July 6, 2017.

Peter Pan never grew up and there is evidence we have a generation of many young people who, like Pan, are stranded in Neverland. Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse’s interesting book, The Vanishing American Adult, contends we live in an America of perpetual adolescence. Our young may have reached 6, 574 days on earth, when they become adults in the eyes of the state, but there are many markers associated with becoming an adult that an increasing number fail to live into.

Sociologists say becoming an adult is widely accompanied by rites of passage that include moving from their parents’ home, leaving school for the final time, getting a full-time job, reaching economic self-sufficiency, loss of virginity, getting married, having children and establishing an independent household. These milestones don’t necessarily occur in that order and might not include all, but should include most of them.

The roles of children have changed dramatically over the past 175 years, when families had many children to help with the labors on the farm. As families moved to town many “little citizens” worked in factories. As late as the 1870s it was estimated that children between the ages of 10 and 19 were providing at least one-third of the family income. In 1945, only three-quarters of teens attended school. Today the priorities are reversed. We are a “much school, little work” culture.

Kids are softer today, as evidenced by the fact that one in five teens is obese and that most over 13 spend 60 percent of their waking hours passively consuming media. In an era of “helicopter parents,” our young know parents are always there to catch them when they fall or have problems. Parents spend so much time cultivating self-esteem, micromanaging and scheduling activities that our young don’t know how to make decisions and manage their time.

Ben Sasse says it is time to take the “training wheels” off our pampered children and undertake a deliberate and active program to help steer them into adulthood, recommending five character-building habits to help guide the process.

First, discover the body and the many diverse stages of life that lie ahead. Emerging adults are cut off from older generations, immersed in a culture of their peers that prevents them from understanding life stages that include joy, pain, suffering and loss. Second, he suggests children must develop an age-appropriate work ethic, starting as early as 3 or 4, with increasing in responsibilities as they become teens. From this they will learn success and failure, the satisfaction of doing work well and valuable life skills. Third, they must be taught that things alone cannot make us happy and embrace limited consumption, learning the difference between needs and wants. Learning to limit desires and find the fulfilling satisfaction associated with meeting true needs brings joy, peace and contentment. Fourth, they must learn to travel and travel light. Experiencing other cultures helps them gain perspective, both on their own environment as well as those of the larger world. Finally, they should learn how to enjoy reading and decide what to read. In addition to opening the world to them, they will become literate, learn to evaluate information, develop opinions and gain wisdom.

The America of tomorrow demands developed adults and it is the task of today’s adults, as has always been the case, to help them grow into that future.


July 7, 2017 at 3:25 pm
Scott Griffin says:

Kids have to learn to fail before they can grow up to be productive members of society. The Mellinial generation is full of spoiled brats incapable of handling setbacks which happen to us all. Its less their fault than their weak parents who didn't teach them that life is tough and we don't always get our way.

July 7, 2017 at 3:29 pm
Scott Griffin says:

Kids have to experience failure before growing into productive members of society. Setbacks are inevitable in life and if they dont learn how to respond positively they will struggle throughout their lives.

July 9, 2017 at 9:41 am
HJ Smith says:

Good grief. Bashing millennials is now sport. As a mother of 5 millennials I have the greatest respect for that generation. They have a much better work/life balance no doubt because they were raised by the work-aholic generation. They have a greater appreciation for healthy, organic, slow food because they grew up as part of the Hamburger Helper generation. They prefer Snapchat to Facebook so they can spend more time doing than posting and commenting. My youngest son and his wife both lived at home until the day they got married and then paid cash for their house and began married life debt free. All 5 have never had a traffic citation because I told them I would pay their insurance up until such time they got a ticket. All 5 do volunteer service. My sons are hands on dads and equally share parenting and household chores with their wives. None have ever been without a job. My oldest son grows most of his own food while working a corporate job. All of my grandchildren are living much better childhoods than their parents did, making tons of memories. And last, but not least, none have credit cards and are maxing out 401k matches and Roth IRA contributions. They are not slaves to materialism and I only wish I knew back in my 20s what they know now.