GOP caves on voter ID

Published June 19, 2015

by Jim Tynen, Civitas review online, June 18, 2015.

In a stunning development, the General Assembly has virtually repealed the voter ID requirement.

Note how on our current web page a featured story by Susan Myrickshows how the actual facts have refuted the claims of opponents of voter ID.

Yes, a case was looming in federal court — on an issue in which other states have prevailed, and in which the history of the law in North Carolina backs up the case for voter ID.

Backers of the reform have battled for years. Then, without warning, before the court case could be decided, a large majority of Republican lawmakers turned tail and ran.

Defenders of election integrity have to be very disappointed.

June 19, 2015 at 10:39 am
Richard L Bunce says:

The only hope here is that this is the slow boiled frog strategy. When nearly everyone shows a State photo ID and the few who do not get tired of the alternate procedure and get a State photo ID then the alternatives can be slowly phased out qne it will be difficult to eliminate this requirement once it has been in place for awhile. It would help if the USSC issued a clear ruling on this issue.