GOP voter fraud

Published September 30, 2014

By Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, September 29, 2014.

A party that denies citizens their constitutional right to vote is a party that deserves to lose. That’s the Republican Party today.

The party of Lincoln and TR has become the party of Block the Vote: Voter-suppression laws. Cutting back early voting. No same-day voter registration. Elections boards that twist the laws to suit partisan purposes. And now a deliberate effort to confuse voters about their registration.

Republicans claim they’re protecting us from voter fraud. But it looks like Republicans are the ones guilty of voter fraud.

That latest outrage comes from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, the Koch-funded ruling wing of the North Carolina Republican Party. The N&O reported: “Hundreds of North Carolinians - and one cat - have received incorrect voter registration information, according to the NC State Board of Elections.”

One of the most shameful chapters of North Carolina history was the Democratic Party’s violent suppression of black votes at the turn of the 20th Century. That still lives in infamy today. How long will the Republican Party carry this shame?

September 30, 2014 at 8:52 am
Richard Bunce says:

"And now a deliberate effort to confuse voters about their registration."

Really? You got any proof of deliberate?

Here is a map of the States without any early voting... are they suppressing the vote?

NY, MA, VA, SC, MI, etc... 14 in all, most in the NE.

September 30, 2014 at 10:21 am
Norm Kelly says:

Since this editorial starts off with a false premise, the rest of it, though short, can't be expected to contain any truth. For you libs that stumble across my response, you can read 'false premise' and 'any truth' both to mean 'lies'. Anytime I refer to a lib and use the words 'false premise' you can simply substitute 'lie' and you will be on the mark. If I type 'any truth', that is trying to be kind but actually means 'lie'.

Suddenly the party that does not recognize the US Constitution exists wants to use the US Constitution to make a point. When the demon party and it's supporters start using the Constitution to make a point, expect lots of hyperbole to follow and probably not much fact.

The Republican Party is NOT attempting to deny anyone of their Constitutional right to vote. The Republican party is trying to undo the damage done by the Demoncrat Party. For years the Demon Party has been implementing changes in voter laws that allow virtually ANYONE to vote regardless of their qualifications. So long as you are a member of a group that votes demon most of the time, say black, then you will get special treatment from the demons when it comes to proving you are eligible to vote for them. Kinda like the unholy alliance between unions and the demon party.

How does this lib editorialist make the connection to Republican Party and voter fraud/suppression. Simple. Bush did it! Actually, the information provided by this poster says 'the Americans for Prosperity Foundation', an organization supported by those hated Koch brothers, is the one sending out misinformation. There are 2 challenges here. Gary knows only the demons are allowed to provide misinformation and get away with it. So, if the AFP foundation produces misinformation, then it's bad and needs to be called out. If the demon party or Soros had sent out misinformation, then it would be ignored. But since the Koch brothers ARE NOT a union, their money should NOT be allowed to be spent on campaigns. Only unions can spend money on lib campaigns! Just ask Gary and he'll tell you the real reason he makes the connection between Koch, AFP, and the Republican party. Gary will tell you there IS NO connection, unholy or otherwise, between unions and the demon party. I don't refer to them as the 'demon party' for no reason!

It wasn't just the turn of the 20th century that should shame the demon party. This was NOT the only time the demons came out in full force to suppress blacks. But blacks don't remember this, and actually blame today's Republicans for black suppression. I guess they get this from the misinformation provided by the demon party and their supporters like Gary. This is another case of libs & their supporters (media types, redundancy!) re-writing history to cover up their problems. It was also the demon party that did everything it could to prevent the equal rights act of 1960-something from being passed. The Gore family was dead-set against civil rights for blacks. And it seems Algore didn't fall far from that wacky tree - he's still convinced that global warming is a man-made event or that it is even happening. The demon party should wear the shame of both historical events for many years to come. If the only rant/whine that demons and libs have against the Republican party is that we are trying to get integrity back into the voting process, then let them whine. If a complaint against the Republican party is that a 3rd party, non-connected organization, is producing misleading or incorrect information, then shame again on the demon party. The demons should be ashamed and embarrassed that Gary writes such drivel and should suppress his editorials. Under the new rules passed by the Republican legislature, the facts are that MORE early voting locations are going to be open this year. This is a bad thing? This will reach fewer LEGAL voters how?

How many dead people do the libs want to allow to vote? How many people who don't live in the district do the libs want to allow to vote? How many 'same day' registrants that aren't legal citizens does the lib/demon party want to allow to vote? At what point do legal, honest, voting citizens say enough is enough? How many illegal votes does it take before the demon party admits that there is voter fraud? How many times does a district have to have more people voting than are registered in that district before the demons say enough?

October 5, 2014 at 5:57 pm
Amy Goodwin says:

I know this is "NC Spin", but there was more truth coming from the Jon Lovitz' pathological liar character, Tommy Flanagan, than I found in this drivel. I'm sick and tired of watching people walk up to the voter table and all they have to do is say a name and address that hasn't voted yet and they get a ballot. This is the weakest type of voter fraud prevention possible.

Anyone who says that Republicans want to suppress legal voters a) hasn't read the law that was passed, which provides several easy methods of obtaining a voter ID card to the minuscule number of citizens who don't carry a government issued ID already, and b) attributes a bigot motive to people who don't have such motives. I've sat in on private conversations among Republicans at all levels, and I have never once heard them talk about (or even insinuate) any objective other than ensuring that the person who casts a vote identifies themselves truthfully so those of us who only vote once are not disenfranchised by cheaters and organized voter fraud.

Mr. Pearse, you revealed yourself as a partisan hater when you labeled the law as Voter Suppression. Your lack of support for it means that you are in favor of voter fraud. Read the law and use facts to back up your blather.