NC SPIN: Gun Violence Reaches the Tipping Point, Confusion in the Pipeline, Judges asked to Invalidate December 2016 Special Session, Infrastructure

Published February 23, 2018


Gun Violence Reaches the Tipping Point

Confusion in the Pipeline

Judges asked to Invalidate December 2016 Special Session


Tell us something we don’t know


Chris Fitzsimon, Political Analyst and Columnist

John Hood, Syndicated Columnist and Author

Phil Kirk, Former Chair State Board of Education

Peg O’Connell, Political Analyst and Lobbyist

Tom Campbell, Moderator

February 23, 2018 at 7:48 pm
Terica K Luxton says:

Don't Arm Teachers. I was a custodian at a K-5 school with 63 teachers in all, for over 10 years. Instead of training teachers who do not want a gun....They could install easy to close secure STEEL DOORS.

If a shooting is occurring, they close the door & lock it. If they have time to get into a safe, get the gun, prepare for a shooter, they most certainly have time to close a door & lock it. #NeverAgain

February 25, 2018 at 7:47 am
Robert Herring says:

Your moderator seems to have leaned to the left. PBS can have that effect on someone.

February 26, 2018 at 4:44 am
Mike Kohler says:

I am on BOTH sides of the "gun issue" as I think any RATIONAL person should be.

Yes, there should be SOME control.

An 18 year-old who is not trusted to buy a pack of cigarettes or a beer shouldn't be able to buy a gun without prior training and parental consent.

We have 14 year-olds posing on FaceBook brandishing automatic weapons. CONFISCATE them!

Many of US didn't have a lot of brains or self-restraint at that age either.

On the other hand, it should be the right of every adult American to protect himself with whatever weapon possible in instances where the government CAN'T - or, won't.

I don't have a gun to protect myself FROM government.

I suffer no delusions that I can take on a tank.

But, I do have a gun to protect myself when seconds count and the police are only minutes away.

NOBODY ever said when threatened with murder, robbery or rape, "Man I wish I DIDN'T have a gun."

Guns DON'T "stop crime".

But, the FEAR that the potential "victim" MIGHT shoot back and kill you gives cause for "second thought".

It's time we had a SANE and RATIONAL discussion on BOTH sides. But, we don't need a lot of NEW "laws".

There is already a lot of legislation on the books about gun registration, sales and control.

A "felon" can't own a gun for instance. In most states there is a "waiting period" for a permit. You can't own a "machine gun".

The problem is we don't ENFORCE them. :-<

March 6, 2018 at 5:19 am
James Noland says:


In reference to the gun issue, first Tom your bias has shown through. Your show is turning into the View, you are saying that the AR-15 type weapon should be banned? The first thing a government does to take control of the citizens is to take away their weapons!

When the government fears the people it is liberty, when the people fear the government it is tyranny.

The Parkland shooting was tragic, it has nothing to do with the NRA or the weapon, it has all to do with the system failing! If the present system does not work why do you think more will!