Semper Fi

Published November 12, 2012

 It was a different birthday party, the 237th birthday of the US Marines. Our hosts were two retired     Marine Corps Officers. The ceremony began with a Champaign toast, with one extra glass lifted in salute to all those who had died in service, were currently in harms way or who had recently died. That first glass turned bottoms up into a bucket in honor of those absent. Next was read the first birthday address of the Marine Corps Commandant in 1921, along with the address of the current Commandant.

The Marines, we learned, were formed in 1775 and manned the rigging to fire rifles and pistols on enemies who attacked our ships. From the earliest beginnings Marines were in harms way. The pride resonating from these vets was inspiring and we suspect similar to most in every branch who has worn the uniform.

Coming a week after our elections this Veterans Day really resonated with me. The response to the outcome has been puzzling. 15 states have started petitions to secede. Facebook is full of people threatening to leave the state or country, predicting our downfall, spitting out ugly epithets against those in leadership. Disappointment, anger, incivility, implied threats. Is there no restraint to free speech?

Two simple words rise above all that noise: “Semper Fidelis.” Always faithful. ALWAYS. Even when the country isn’t headed in what you think is the right direction. Even when leaders make decisions you don’t like. Even when your side loses the election.

That’s the message this Veteran’s Day and it comes from Marines and all the men and women in every branch of service who have been faithful to this country, doing their duty, giving their all.

Semper Fi.