Tax Reform Is About More Than Modernizing Outdated System

Published May 30, 2013

By Becki Gray

By Becki Gray, VP of John Locke Foundation and NC SPIN panelist, May 30, 2013

Tax reform has been discussed but not acted on for 20 years. This General Assembly and governor's office are committed to fixing a tax system that was set up the 1930s, when our economy was heavily dependent on agriculture and manufacturing. The tax code is outdated in a service-driven economy. In addition, over time we've seen carve-outs, exemptions, and special treatments resulting in an inequitable, confusing, and convoluted system that no longer works.

But cleaning up an outdated system is not the real reason we need tax reform. With the nation's fifth-highest unemployment rate (after California, Nevada, Mississippi, and Illinois) and high overall tax rates compared to our neighbors, we have fallen behind in competing for new businesses and expanding existing ones, resulting in an economy that is sluggish rather than robust. A more competitive, pro-growth tax system can spur economic growth and ensure long-term prosperity.

Senate leaders would broaden the state sales tax to more than 100 services not taxed previously while lowering the minimum statewide rate to 6.5 percent (from 6.75 percent). The Senate plan subjects virtually every consumer purchase to sales tax, including food and prescription drugs at the full rate. It lowers the personal income tax to a flat 4.5 percent (from top rate of 7.75 percent) and eliminates deductions such as the one for mortgage interest and the sales tax exemption for nonprofits. It phases down the corporate tax rate to 6 percent (from 6.9 percent). The Senate plan is a net tax cut of about $770 million over the first two years. But some families of low to moderate incomes, particularly those with several children, would pay higher rather than lower taxes under this plan.

House leaders would reduce the sales tax rate to 6.65 percent while also broadening the base -- but only to services sold by businesses that collect sales tax, such as retailers that sell both computers (taxable goods) and warranties (currently untaxed services). Like the Senate plan, the House plan flattens the income tax -- lowering the rate to 5.9 percent. It increases the per-child tax credit. It also caps rather than eliminates the mortgage-interest deduction. It caps the exemption for nonprofits at $5 million (affecting fewer than a dozen big hospitals and private colleges). The House cuts the corporate tax to 6.75 percent. The overall tax cut under the House plan would be about half that of the Senate plan over three years, and appears to be less weighted against moderate-income families.

Both plans lower the business franchise tax by 10 percent and abolish the state death tax.

Gov. Pat McCrory seems to be waiting to see what kind of compromise plan can be developed. Whatever the final tax reform looks like, it must have a few essential pieces. First, it should move toward taxing consumed income rather than total income (saved income should be taxed later, when it is spent on consumption). The plan should bring marginal tax rates down to spur economic growth.

Lawmakers don't have to abolish income-tax collection in order to move toward a consumption-based system. They can reduce the bias against savings and investment in other ways, such as offering unlimited, tax-free savings accounts, creating a lower tax rate for dividends and capital gains (as the federal tax code does), or further reducing corporate and franchise taxes.

Of course, tax reform is only one element of a long-term strategy for economic recovery in North Carolina. Reductions in spending, better delivery of services such as education, and less burdensome regulations must be part of the strategy, as well.

May 30, 2013 at 1:31 pm
Richard Bunce says:

Yes, it should be about the most effective and least damaging way to collect revenue to fund the core functions of government.

May 31, 2013 at 3:25 pm
Johnny Arthur says:

Tax reform in North Carolina Should be same as federal government , go to a flat tax. Repeal all taxes now being charged and set a flat tax that everyone would pay. Some say not the poor. The poor now ar paying tax suh as gas tax hightest in southeast, sales tax, telephone tax and I could go on. The poor payig a fat tax may pay les tax than they are now. Now we have the tax fixed let's cut speding . What about welfare and medicaid. How mny famlies are getting help from these programs that have a working companion that their income has no factor in benefits. Let's reform this system and help the needy not the needless. Education can be cut from the top not the bottom. How many administrtors are willing to a 20%pay cut to help hire teachers. How many contractors can do stat employees work cheaper. Just think what kind of state We could be with a low flat tax less spending , and more companies looking at North Carolina as a state towork in.

June 1, 2013 at 11:42 am
Kathy Maultsby says:

Has anyone done an analysis of a real-life situation regarding consumption-based taxing? Take a senior citizen on a fixed income. They likely pay no or very little income tax already. So cutting the rate would have no effect on them. But add a sales tax to their prescription purchases and groceries (items that are needs, not wants) and wham, they are poorer than before. Don't any of the legislators have a relative in this situation? And if corporate taxes are reduced, will NC also quit offering tax incentives to companies that look to relocate here?