The struggle to have government serve all, not just the wealthy

Published January 22, 2015

by William Barber and Bob Hall, published in News and Observer, January 21, 2015.

The nation’s first Republican president explained what democracy ought to be: a government of the people, by the people and for the people. But Abraham Lincoln’s vision will remain a distant mirage if a money-drenched elections system devalues individual Americans’ votes by auctioning off legislative seats, governorships and judgeships to the highest bidder.

As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose bold crusade with an army of determined citizens won the 1965 Voting Right Act and is dramatized in the current film “Selma,” it’s an ideal time to reflect on threats to our democratic republic’s core principles.

The vote is the great equalizer in our society, a tool for self-respect and community empowerment. “Give us the ballot,” Dr. King said in 1957, “and we will no longer plead to the federal government for passage of an anti-lynching law; we will by the power of our vote write the law on the statute books of the South and bring an end to the dastardly acts of the hooded perpetrators of violence.”

But the gains achieved since adoption of the 1965 Voting Rights Act are now under attack by a new kind of “hooded perpetrator” of “dastardly acts.” Billions of dollars spent on deceptive political ads, much of it from mystery donors, are undermining honest debate and fostering a new type of extremism and intolerance benefiting only the super wealthy.

That brings us to another event this week: the fifth anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. FEC. In a 5-to-4 decision, the court effectively said the super rich could use corporations and front groups to spend unlimited money on political ads. Purchased speech became free speech and corporations became people.

In another 5-to-4 decision, the Supreme Court’s Shelby County v. Holder ruling further strengthened the power of big money by nullifying key sections of the Voting Rights Act and opening the door to new forms of voter suppression affecting people of color and the poor.

Because of these court decisions, we are in a new phase of the longstanding struggle between political participation for the many versus rule by the wealthy elite.

That struggle is playing out in North Carolina today. A new brand of extremists came to power soon after the Citizens United decision, thanks largely to an avalanche of nasty political ads financed by a handful of wealthy ultra-conservatives and their corporations.

The new majority in the N.C. General Assembly hijacked Lincoln’s Republican Party and immediately began enacting an agenda that helped the greedy at the expense of the needy. They slashed unemployment benefits, killed the earned income-tax credit for the working poor, refused Medicaid coverage for hundreds of thousands, cut corporate income taxes, repealed the estate tax, gutted health and safety protections, cut per-pupil spending for education and shifted public money to private academies.

They also redrew legislative district lines to isolate and minimize the power of black voters. Then, in the weeks immediately following the Shelby decision, they jammed a host of voter restrictions into one bill that also cut restrictions on political donations. We call it the “Monster Law” because of its sweeping scope and because it is the reincarnation of the Jim Crow monster.

Opposing these reactionary shifts are tens of thousands of North Carolinians who have joined the Moral Monday movement, led by the N.C. NAACP and a broad coalition of organizations. We are in court challenging the Monster Law and race-based redistricting plan. We’re organizing grassroots voter engagement projects across the state to promote public policies that serve “the good of the whole,” as our state constitution mandates. We welcome everyone to join us in Raleigh on Valentine’s Day for the Moral March for Love and Justice.

Rather than the politics of big money, we seek policies anchored in the moral and constitutional authority of our best traditions. Pope Francis recently said, “Money has to serve, not rule,” and money cannot be allowed to “deny the right of control to the states, which are themselves charged with providing for the common good.”

Like President Lincoln, Dr. King and Pope Francis, we believe government must serve all the people, not just the rich and powerful. Selling political office to the highest bidder is the road to absolute corruption. Together, we must fight such obscenity and promote real democracy of, by and for the people.

The Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II is president of the North Carolina NAACP and architect of the Moral Monday Movement. Bob Hall is executive director of Democracy North Carolina.

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January 22, 2015 at 9:45 am
Frank Burns says:

I am sick and tired of the phony complaints from the reactionary left regarding the voting initiatives done by the NCGA. Clearly the election turnout was higher with less early voting days. Could it be that the left now recognizes that the public is now vigilant on preventing voting fraud? One would think that a Non Profit Organization like Democracy NC would be interested as the public is in rooting out voting fraud. Democracy NC fraudulently calls itself a non partisan organization, this is an example of the fraud coming from the left. There is nothing non partisan with that organization.

January 22, 2015 at 10:33 am
Norm Kelly says:

More blah, blah, blah from the buffet slayer. Nice for the N&D to give a forum for this to appear. Another example of a racist rant? Another example of some lib telling us how bad the Republicans are? I've barely started reading this blathering and what comes to mind when referencing the Civil Rights Act of 1965 is historical context. Racists and those who wish to modify history tell us that Republicans stood in the way of this act, it was those hooded, racist, nasty, Republicans who prevented this Act from passing for so long. Except FACTS put demons, libs, and racists in bad light once again. Typical though that facts work against libs & racists. It was the DemocRAT party that stood in the way of this Act. Since I don't expect much truth, honesty, or reliance on facts, I may not be able to finish this post.

'Billions of dollars spent on deceptive political ads, much of it from mystery donors, are undermining honest debate and fostering a new type of extremism and intolerance'. Keep in mind that many of these billions of dollars are being spent by liberal individuals and groups. The ever senile Harry only refers to the Koch brothers, never refers to George Soros. And other racists and lib take up the mantra. How many groups came out of the woodwork, but stayed in the shadows, to support libs during the previous election cycles, including those who came out for the first time to support the occupier. Remember when the Chinese government created shadow groups to support Billary? Of course, since Mr. Buffet is both a racist and a lib, he ignores things like Soros and unions, cuz they also are lib groups. So, in the mind of libs, that type of money doesn't count. Deceptive political ads? How about the video of a Ryan look-alike throwing gramma off her wheelchair over a cliff? How about those lib ads that say Republicans want to eliminate SocSec from seniors? How about those lib ads that claim Republicans want to starve children? Those kind of deceptive ads? Undermining honest debate? You mean like when libs in Congress and the occupier LIED to the American people that Republicans had no alternatives to socialized medicine? You mean like when libs in Congress and the occupier LIED to the American people about it being the Republicans in the House who were the 'party of no' and 'the do nothing Congress'? See, once again those fact thingys that libs ignore prove this is also a lie. It's the ever senile Harry that prevented over 300 bills passed by the House from ever seeing the light of day in the Senate. It's also the DemocRAT controlled Senate that failed to pass a budget for a number of recent years! How about extremism and intolerance. Are you referring to libs who call U S Constitution supporters 'anarchists'? Are you referring to libs who insist that Republicans HATE latinos because we want to enforce immigration laws and seal the porous Southern border? You mean when the libs in the Senate and the occupier refused to negotiate at all with Republicans which caused a central planner level shutdown? The shutdown wasn't caused because Republicans refused to pass a budget; the shutdown happened because all demons refused to negotiate on a single item. These are the facts, spanky, even if you don't like them.

Speaking of front groups spending unlimited funds on campaigns, let's talk about unions. Oh, and let's not forget George Soros. And all the other lib groups that have created shadow organizations to support socialist candidates. Why is it that racists and libs always insist on ignoring troubles in their own house. As a pastor, one would expect the Rev Slayer to remove the plank from his own eye before trying to get the speck out of his oppositions eye!

'further ... nullifying key sections of the Voting Rights Act'. You mean the Act that prevented states from making changes because they ONCE were deemed to be racist? You mean to tell us, AGAIN, that there has been no progress since this act was passed? And why is it that under this Act it was legal to create districts that followed no rhyme or reason just so a majority black district could be created? Segregating blacks into their own districts for the purpose of (trying to) forcing only a black to represent them? Central planner mandated segregation, with no possibility for ever changing it regardless of how much progress was made, sounds rather foolish to me. Funny how libs believe documents like the Constitution are living breathing documents yet laws like the Act are written in stone and NEVER to be modified. You see, when the document supports the warped mind & schemes of libs, it's written in stone; when the document stands in the way of some scheme libs want to force upon the masses, suddenly it's a living breathing document that was not written by omniscient people. Typical libs; everything bends to their whims & schemes. Prevent groups from donating money to conservative causes; never stand in the way of ANY group that wants to donate money to libs, especially unions.

'A new brand of extremists came to power'. Funny how those fact thingys are constantly and obviously ignored by libs and racists. Who was responsible for redrawing district lines before Republicans were given the legislature? Demons! Who voted for a Republican majority? VOTERS! Even though libs had drawn districts that favored their candidates, the voters still found a way to make our voices heard. And then Republicans got the chance to redraw districts, and libs are beside themselves because we've used lib tactics to draw districts that MIGHT favor us. How does it feel now that YOUR shoes are on OUR feet? Don't like it do you? Too bad. Cuz, to quote someone from your side, elections have consequences. It's your turn to be the minority, so just enjoy it while it lasts. Lord willing, it will become comfortable to you for a very long time!

Don't have time or patience enough to finish reading this garbage. One last item, though. 'Rather than the politics of big money, we seek policies anchored in the moral and constitutional authority of our best traditions'. No, what yous guys seek is rule by minority. The majority of voters managed to get around lib-drawn districts and put a majority Republicans in the legislature. Your side lost, yet you still want to make the rules. Your side chooses to ignore the constitution and simply go with what feels good. If we go back to traditions, we'll have truly segregate schools, white-only drinking fountains, and segregate seating on buses. That's tradition. What needs to happen is true equality, based on what Martin worked so hard for. Martin wished for people to be judged on their character, their abilities. What libs and racists want now, people like the buffet slayer, the current occupier, and the racist attorney general (didn't he quit?) is for people to not be judged at all by what they do but ONLY, singularly by the color of their skin. Witness when the racist occupier refers to white cops as stupid when he admits he knows none of the details. You see, a true racist doesn't need to know details in order to think of whites as stupid. Check out the racist head of DOJ paying for protestors in Florida during the Trayvon fiasco. I'm not supporting Zimmerman. But I refuse to support an attorney general who ignores the law, uses tax dollars to pay for protestors, and refuses to accept a jury decision just because it does not support his racist attitude.

No more blathering to be had today. I have to earn a living. Unlike, it appears, the Rev Buffet Slayer who has too much time to make up stories and lie to people using the pages of the N&D.

January 22, 2015 at 5:12 pm
Richard Bunce says:

Polemic screed alert.

January 23, 2015 at 11:01 am
Rip Arrowood says:

I'm still waiting on proof of voter fraud. Where are the convictions?

January 24, 2015 at 11:57 am
Richard Bunce says:

Since nobody is checking ID it is unlikely they will find anyone voting as someone else. Once they start checking ID the illegal voters will stop voting.

So you favor no ID checking at the poll or registration... which of course is not required in NC (or Texas) since you can vote by mail without an ID going forward and even register without a photo ID following the current registration procedures. Voter ID is stopping no legal voter from voting.

14 States (mostly in the liberal NE States) have NO early voting period. 40 States do not have same day registration. Are all those States filled with racists too?

Oregon and Colorado have only by mail voting. Oh the horror!

So by your rules anyone can vote anywhere at anytime, and as often as they want. Wealthy people with private jets will really like those rules... no ID checks allowed anywhere in the voting process after all.