We'll find a way...to blow it

Published November 25, 2015

by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, November 24, 2015.

When I opened the newspaper and read the Governor explaining he was having a side conversation and didn’t hear Graeme Keith say he wanted a state contract in return for his contributions, I thought, That sounds thin.

When Phil Berger called a hearing about Graeme Keith’s state contract, I thought, This could get out of hand.

Because there were nine people in the room when the Governor met with Keith so I figured a Democratic legislator was sure to ask Secretary Frank Perry: You were sitting there – so tell me: Exactly who was the Governor having that side conversation with?

Years ago, back in the dark days after Obama was first elected, Gary consoled me by saying, Stop worrying. We Democrats are capable of finding a way to blow it.

It was true. And still is. No one asked the question.
