NC SPIN: The Marriage Amendment overturned, Voting confusion, 1 in 8 third graders not promoted under Read to Achieve, #TellUsSomethingWeDontKnow

Published October 10, 2014

Topics: The Marriage Amendment overturned, Voting confusion, 1 in 8 third graders not promoted under Read to Achieve, #TellUsSomethingWeDontKnow


Gene Arnold, Former legislator

Chris Fitzsimon, Director of NC Policy Watch

John Hood, President of the John Locke Foundation

Peg O’Connell, Political Consultant

Tom Campbell, Moderator

October 12, 2014 at 11:01 am
Hazel Dilts says:

It seems to me, that at every level of our government, we have forgotten and/or ignored that very important aspect that our founding fathers espoused - the separation of church and state. History shows that whenever religion, whether it is Christian or any other, takes over government equality and civil rights are set aside.