Published January 7, 2014

By Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, January 6, 2014.

Millions of dollars will be spent and billions of words spilled, but only one thing will decide this election: Will voters be madder at President Obama or at Republicans in the legislature?


On today’s market, the outlook for Democrats is as chilling as a New Year’s Day Polar Bear Plunge. For two months, the news has been all Obamacare – and all bad. While Obama energizes voters when he’s on the ballot, the magic doesn’t transfer when he’s not. In 2010, his voters stayed home and the Obama-haters turned out in droves. That’s what got North Carolina in this mess.


If that happens again, Kay Hagan could lose, and Republicans could control both houses of Congress and keep super-majorities in Raleigh.


2015 would be no fun.


But, then, in 2016, Americans and North Carolinians would recoil at the result, Republicans will nominate Ted Cruz for President and there will be a Democratic landslide statewide and nationally.


There’s also a more optimistic scenario for Democrats this year: Anger at the legislature over the damage done to education could trump anger at Obama. The GOP and Tea Party could overreach nationally, like 1998, when Newt Gingrich & Co. overreached, lost big and paved the road for John Edwards’ election.


The point is that elections today are driven by negative emotions, namely fear and anger. No politician is popular. No politician has approval ratings above the 40s in North Carolina. By contrast, Jim Hunt stayed north of 60 percent most of the time he was Governor.


So keep an eye on one thing: Who are the voters maddest at in November?


January 12, 2014 at 12:36 pm
Norm Kelly says:

Once again Mr. Pearce proves he's a lib first, a North Carolinian second. Just like K.

Those of us who voted against Barack, who voted FOR a Republican majority when given the chance, are not described as 'thinkers', 'freedom lovers', 'Constitutionalists'. Nope. How does Mr. Pearce describe us? Just like every other lib describes those of us who fit into the descriptions I listed: 'the Obama-haters turned out in droves'. We turned out to vote against the left not because we were/are opposed to their brand of central planning. No, we turned out against the left because we simply HATE Barack. Do we hate Barack because he's (mostly) black? Of course. What other reason could there be? It couldn't possibly be that we voted against Demons because of their socialist policies! Could it? In the mind of libs, all decisions are made based on skin color. Well, at least all lib decisions are made based on skin color. Watch what libs do and say. You will discover the truth, which they try to hide. They first look at a persons skin color to determine what that person is like. When they see a black person, they immediately think 'underpriviledged', 'under educated', 'poor', 'incapable of acquiring an id to vote', 'needing assistance'. Because they KNOW this person? No, because of their skin color! Not some conservative making this up, projecting their own thoughts onto libs, but actual lib words and actions!

Do I hate Barack, His High Holiness? No. I hate his policies. I hate that he's a hypocrite when it comes to his drug use versus anyone else's drug use. He's admitted he spent his youth higher than the average bear. But he claims he wants to prevent today's youth from partaking as he did. (ref colorado)

Why will conservatives come out in droves to vote AGAINST K? Is it because she's a woman? Only in the mind of libs like Mr. Pearce. I believe it's more likely that conservatives will come out in droves if we have a reasonable candidate because we believe K does NOT support freedom, the citizens of NC, or the Constitution of the United States. I believe we will vote against K because of HER record, not because of our hate. We've tried socialism and know that it does NOT work, is incapable of working. It's time we tried conservatism and personal responsibility. On the 50th anniversary of Johnson's great plan, can we make any conclusions? Of course we can, but since they will be contrary to lib thinking, they are mostly dismissed by libs in politics and media. Is the country better off for having stolen money from producers to give to non-producers? What part of the give-away programs have actually HELPED people get out of poverty into productive life? Is the goal of give-away programs to actually help people move out of poverty into self-sufficiency or is it designed to provide just enough to keep people voting for those writing the rules allowing government theft? Is poverty down from the inception of the plan? Have there been generations of families on the same plan with no change in sight? Have there been people who have survived on government subsistence programs for the majority of their lives? What's going to change for these people? What is the socialist agenda when it comes to moving people out of poverty? (that question is also easily written as 'what is Ks plan?') What will K propose in her next term, if we are unlucky enough for her to be re-elected, that will improve the outcomes of people's lives?

What conclusion do libs draw in their fantasy about Republicans controlling Washington? Mr. Pearce says 'in 2016, Americans and North Carolinians would recoil at the result'. So it's libs that have closed minds after all. Mr. Pearce, and I imagine most libs especially within the media, believe that socialism isn't the problem for our future. Libs believe that continued increases in the national debt brought about by out-of-control Washington spending isn't a problem for our future. What concerns libs? Conservatism. Personal responsibility. Balanced budgets. Taking power away from the central planners. Returning power to the states, as the Constitution demands. Allowing the free markets to work.

All of this is in stark opposition to the socialist agenda of the Demon party. The DemocRATs do not believe a majority of people have what it takes to accept personal responsibility. The central planners do NOT believe the states can manage their own affairs.

Want proof? Look at what the demons, including K, have already said. K is a major proponent of single payer health in our country. Ask her what this means. She will do her best to hide what it means to her, but the answer is that its a complete take-over of the entire medical industry in the country. The central planners want to make all the decisions relating to your medical care with virtually no input from you or your doctor. It means eliminating private health insurance companies. Putting health insurance companies out of business. Destroying 1/6 of the economy. Is this really what our country needs? Is K's direction the direction our country should go? If the Republican party nominates a reasonable conservative to run against K, I HOPE and PRAY that enough conservatives come out to vote against K. This is the only way we will defeat Obama's idea of socialism for the US.

Note to all libs, especially those in the media: True conservatives do NOT dislike Mr. Obama because he's (mostly) black. Remember it's libs that look at skin color first and foremost. We dislike Mr. Obama's socialist policies, his take over of our daily lives. If we get the chance to vote against one of his supporters, K, we will. If we get to vote against someone who is at least as much a socialist as Mr. Obama, or maybe even more blatant about being a socialist, K, we will. I believe the majority of us are voting AGAINST socialism NOT FOR hate.