After SPIN! Video - 11/9/14 - "Are calls to investigate Hagan businesses politically motivated?"

Published November 14, 2014

After SPIN! Video - 11/9/14 - Question to John Hood - "The Department of Environment and Natural Resources announced this week they would investigate the grants given to the company owned by Kay Hagan’s family. Hagan and Democrats say this is all politically motivated. Republicans say these actions were improper. What do you say?"

November 14, 2014 at 2:51 pm
Jeff Frank says:

This question is a perfect example of what has gone haywire with the media and government in this country.

You are asking for your readers to give an "opinion" on a very complicated legal question for which there are almost no solid facts available.

In addition how many of the people who answer your poll have any idea of what state and federal laws actually permit or prohibit whatever took place in this particular case?

The tragic part of this is that the opinions of unqualified decision makers without sufficient information often trigger political action and influence public policy.

What a way to govern a state and a country! Thanks NC Spin.