After SPIN! Video: Can we ever expect non-partisan congressional maps?

Published May 10, 2016

After SPIN! "Question to Chris Fitzsimon - Duke’s Sanford School of Public Policy and Common Cause are experimenting with drawing these maps on a non-partisan or at least bipartisan basis. They have assembled a panel of 10 former Supreme Court or Court of Appeals judges, five Democrats and five Republicans to conduct this experiment. What can we expect to come out of this experiment and do you think it likely that it will cause our legislature to consider such a process?"

May 10, 2016 at 11:22 am
Richard L Bunce says:

Not as long as people are involved and they are using demographic data.

Open source algorithm that uses no demographic data other than residence by Census block to create districts of equal population that are compact/equal size resulting in only one best answer.

Here is an example (but not by census block.)