After SPIN! Video: Why are voters so angry?

Published March 24, 2016

After SPIN! "Question to Brad Crone – We have often said this election, and especially the Donald Trump phenomenon played to angry white males. Why are people so angry and do you think this anger is justified?"

March 24, 2016 at 10:16 am
Norm Kelly says:

The anger is well placed. Both Demoncrats and Republicans share in this anger. The Donald is a response to both parties, not just the Republican party.

Voters are angry at Republicans because they were put in the majority in BOTH houses of Congress. The idea being that the current occupier's socialist agenda needed to be stopped. What's the result? The occupier has been given everything he's asked for. Republicans have turned out to be demon-light. NOT at all what voters demanded.

How are demons to blame? Forcing socialist agenda items down our collective throats. Forcing gay-ness upon us, with total disregard for voters or laws. For being soft on mooslum terrorists. For telling absolute, provable lies directly to our faces. For allowing another socialist, liar, cheater, loonatic to run as the replacement for the current socialist liar unqualified occupier. Billary belongs in jail, not the White House or even the opportunity to run for the office. How ANYONE, even the most die-hard lib, justifies voting for such a slug-slime witch is unimaginable. For every lib that wonders how anyone can support The Donald, they need to question themselves on how they support, and expect thinking people to support, Billary. (my apologies to slugs for that comparison. they have done nothing to me to deserve such disrespectful treatment!)

Demons forced socialized medicine upon us. Lied to us, knowingly, when they repeatedly told us we could keep our existing insurance, lied to us when they told us our premiums would go down, lied to us when they told us our coverage would improve, and lied to us when they told us illegal aliens would not be covered.

Demons have been soft on illegals, soft on terrorists, and have blatantly attacked American citizens for DARING to be Christian. Demons have been apologizing to the world, especially the mooslum world, for simply being Americans. Demons have told us, another lie of course, that if we play nice with mooslum terrorists, they would start to love us and stop killing us. What an absolutely id10tic idea! And they continue down the same path even though they have been proven wrong every time they open their mouths to tell another lie.

Why are voters angry? Because we've been lied to way too often, and no one is held accountable for it. Because our dreams and desires are being forcibly taken away from us while being told it's best for us. We are asked to trust those who are trying to destroy us. A majority appear to have decided that 'insiders' can't be trusted, so perhaps it's time to try an 'outsider'. Cuz the insiders have let us down, have violated their oath of office, and tell us to ignore their actions. Cuz perhaps an outsider can be trusted just a little bit more than the current crop of insiders.

Finally, why are some voters angry? Not enough of us, yet. Because we STILL HAVE THE ABILITY TO THINK. Which is the worst thing that can happen to socialist pols! Perhaps why socialists have taken over so much of the education establishment.