Are the Democrats getting too liberal?

Published March 5, 2014

by Andrew Kohut, Washington Post, February 28, 2014.

The recent polarization of American politics has been far more obvious on the right than the left. The emergence of the tea party movement and its influence in Congress has brought to the fore political values that are more conservative than those of the average voter.

But polarization is not a one-way street. While Republicans have become more conservative, Democrats have grown more liberal. The Pew Research Center’s values surveys, spanning 1987 to 2012, show that Democrats as a whole have moved to the left in recent years. They are much more socially liberal than they were even a decade ago, more supportive of an activist government, more in favor of increased regulation of business.

Under the more centrist Obama administration, the leftward movement of Democratic voters has been of limited political consequence. Most of the change on social policies such as same-sex marriageand marijuana legalization has come at the state and local levels. However, looking ahead to 2016, the viability of liberal Democrats has emerged as a critical question for the Democratic Party. Even as conventional wisdom coalesces around Hillary Rodham Clinton as the establishment candidate, the success of prominent progressives — Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio come to mind — means the party could face an ideological divide in 2016.

And the progressives, or liberals, seem to have the momentum. Gallup recentlyreported that liberal self-identification has edged up to its highest level in more than 20 years. Similarly, Pew Research’s values surveys have documented increasingly liberal beliefs among Democrats on social, economic and regulatory matters. While the move leftward has occurred among moderate and conservative Democrats as well as liberal ones, liberals have either moved further left or hold more intense views than moderates and conservatives.

And that’s where comparisons with polarization on the right begin to break down. Although liberal Democrats have swelled in number, the advantage within the party still rests with moderates and conservatives. In Pew’s nationwide survey in January, only 34 percent of Democrats called themselves liberal, compared with 63 percent identifying as moderate or conservative. In contrast, conservatives are a clear majority (67 percent) in the GOP, while self-described moderate and liberal Republicans make up just 32 percent of the party.

This might ensure that, despite the leftward trend, Democrats will not become identified as an extremist party like the GOP. By 54 percent to 35 percent, a January Pew Research poll found that the public continues to see the GOP rather than the Democrats as the party that takes more extreme positions.

Yet the gap within the Democratic Party is real — and it is not just ideological but demographic as well. Women and white voters make up a disproportionate share of liberals; liberal Democrats are also more affluent and better educated than the party as a whole. In contrast, moderate and conservative Democrats are more often male, poorer, less educated, and African American or Latino.

While Democrats share many core values, there are a number of ways that liberals differ sharply from the rest of the party and the rest of the country.

First, in-depth Pew Research surveys find that many liberals are cynical about achievement. Most don’t agree with the statement that “people can get ahead if they work hard,” and relatively few fully agree that they admire people who have become rich through hard work.

Second, liberals give low priority to dealing with the budget deficit, a major concern for much of the electorate, and they are the only political segment that expresses majority support for paying higher prices for the sake of the environment.

Third, liberals are also significantly to the left of the rest of the Democratic Party on social issues. Unlike other Democrats, few liberals say prayer is an important part of their lives, most strongly favor same-sex marriage, nearly all support abortion rights, and a majority support a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

And fourth, on foreign policy, most liberals reject the idea that the best way to ensure peace is through military strength; unlike other Democrats, a majority would find it acceptable if another country became as militarily powerful as the United States.

On the politically charged issue of the day, economic inequality, majorities of both liberal and more moderate Democrats agree that the government should make a significant effort to shrink the gap between rich and poor and reduce poverty. However, even there, most liberals think that government action can make a big difference, while moderate and conservative Democrats don’t share their optimism.

Liberal Democrats are more approving of and more loyal to President Obama on a range of issues and policies — particularly health-care reform and his handling of the budget deficit — than more moderate Democrats. Liberals also rate Clinton higher than moderate Democrats do, though they were largely not on her side during her 2008 presidential bid, once Obama entered the picture. In that regard, it is instructive to note how quickly liberals have flocked to Elizabeth Warren: Fifty-four percent of liberal Democrats hold a favorable opinion of the senator from Massachusetts, compared with just 35 percent of moderate and conservative Democrats, many of whom don’t know much about the high-profile progressive.

How much sway will liberal Democrats hold in the party, especially as the 2016 election approaches? Although they are a minority of Democrats nationwide, liberals are more politicized and make up a disproportionate share of primary electorates. For example, in 2008 they made up 56 percent of New Hampshire Democratic primary voters and 54 percent of Iowa caucus-goers.

In the shutdown era, Democrats have had a more moderate image nationwide than the tea-party-burdened GOP. But that image may be at risk if liberal Democrats set the pace for the party. We could see them rally around a progressive leader — Warren, de Blasio or some yet-to-emerge candidate — who speaks their language of economic populism. If the agenda of this new New Left drives Democrats’ choices, it might weaken the ideological and demographic coalition that has led the party to victory in four of the past six national elections.

Andrew Kohut is founding director and former president of the Pew Research Center. He served as president of the Gallup Organization from 1979 to 1989.


March 5, 2014 at 10:27 am
Norm Kelly says:

Are Democrats getting more liberal? If anyone has to ask the question it implies that they are a Democrat and haven't noticed the move to the far left. Lefties describe Republicans, specifically TEA people, as moving to the far right. As if this is a bad thing. While libs are so liberal that the Democrat Party move to the far left simply seems like the norm. Except the facts are that the Demon party has become the extreme left party, the socialist party of the US. Perhaps it really is as the TEA people describe themselves. They claim the TEA party is a response to the move of the Demons to the extreme left. Those on the left don't see it. They see the demons as simply following the will of the majority opinion of the US. People like those in 'major' media outlets are so far left that the demons have seemed like righties for so long that now that they have moved to the left, the media outlet types see them as joining the majority. But those same media types are so far left that when TEA people express a desire to get back to the actual wording of the Constitution, actually have the DOJ implement the laws as passed by Congress, they describe TEA people as extremists and anarchists. The TEA people are getting back to the roots of the country, freedom, small central government, power to the states & the people, central planners who can live within a budget. You know, common-sense, Constitutional ideas.

How have the Demons in Washington responded to Constitutionalists? They have refused to talk to TEA people. They have refused to negotiate with TEA people. They have ignored the laws passed by Congress and signed by the President. They have used the courts to stuff their will down our throats, in many cases overriding the will of the people. America's Constitution lays out the rules for everyone. When the rules no longer matter, the central planners can do what they want, when they want, to whom they want. Exactly the way the original settlers were trying to escape when they left Europe. Is Obamacancer good for the people and the nation? Nope. Can it be proven to be good? Nope. Are there people who will support it? Of course, cuz it's another buy-out of voters by politicians. Right here in NC recently released stats show that upwards of 90% of those who have signed up for socialized medicine will get a subsidy. 90% get subsidized!!! That is an outrageous figure! Think about it. If 90% of the people get a subsidy, where exactly does that money come from? Who pays for the subsidy? Obviously there are only 3 choices: the other 10% who actually pay for their insurance are forced to pay more for the freebies; taxpayers pick up the difference meaning either everybody's taxes go up or the central planners pick & choose who to penalize; finally the only other choice is that no one pays for the subsidy and Washington goes even further into bankruptcy. Option 2: taxes go up: and we all know who the central planners target for tax increases at every opportunity - the RICH. At what point is it immoral to tax success? At what point does Obamy have to stop saying that he wants everyone to have the opportunity to succeed when it's obvious his goal is to punish achievers? At what point will a majority realize that central planning only leads to everyone suffering instead of anyone succeeding?

Socialism fails at every turn. Not just some. Every! Show me otherwise. I can show you how freedom succeeds. Can you show me where socialism succeeds? K's polling numbers are falling. This could be good news. It could mean that more & more people are realizing her idea of central planning does NOT work. In all of my posts the words 'central planners/planning' and 'socialism/socialist' are interchangeable. K's plans for our country, the direction she wants to take us, is more toward central planning for EVERY aspect of life. No I am not claiming K is a socialist. K is claiming this when she says things like Obamacare didn't go far enough, the fix to Obamacare is to remove private insurance companies from the equation, and the like.

Are the Demons too liberal? Yes. The demon party IS the Socialist Party of the US. Look at their policies now and what their plans are. There is NO other logical conclusion. Which is why so many demon supporters miss it. It's logical.

Do I hate Democrats? Nope. I hate socialists. I hate socialists who want to force their plans on freedom lovers. I hate socialists who believe they can pick & choose which laws and which parts of the Constitution they can ignore. There are enough areas of the world that are already failing socialist states that people like Harry, Barack, K can move to without 'fundamentally transforming' America. Let the socialists move there, and leave the rest of us alone. (remember it was this socialist administration that told state AGs that they could pick & choose which state laws to enforce & the DOJ would support them. is it the right advocating anarchy? nope. once again, it's the libs/socialists/central planners proposing anarchy and override of the rule of law. one of the biggest differences between the US & other nations is our enforcement of the law, as fairly as possible. without the rule of law, how do i defend myself against the central planners?)

Is it worth reading the rest of this editorial. No.

March 5, 2014 at 11:22 pm
Norm Kelly says:

Obama drafted a budget this week that's approaching $4TRILLION! The socialist leader of the Senate has said they will not be taking up this budget. The way I heard the story, Harry said the Senate will not be passing a budget. Again.

So, has the Demon party moved too far left? What would you call a $4TRILLION budget? His proposal to raise taxes is ridiculous to say the least. Raising taxes to this point will definitely help the economy! His budget also proposes that the national debt will exceed $25TRILLION in 10 years! Like we can actually afford the $17trillion now! His budget NEVER indicates the budget will be balanced ever again. And for all you libs with no memory, it was this guy who claimed Bush's debt of some $8trillion was unpatriotic.

What part of his plan is logical? What part of his plan shows the Demons are in touch with reality? What part of his proposal indicates the Demons aren't too far left? This isn't a fundamental transformation. This is the destruction of our country.

Are the Demons too far left? Have you gotten the idea yet that I call them Demons on purpose. Only a demon would work to destroy the house they live in. Only a demon would purposely sell their children. Too far left? Bordering on leaving behind 'socialists' and going straight to 'communists'. Is that too far left?

Just remember, some 51% of some group of polled Democrats couldn't identify that the earth took 1 year to revolve around the sun. What's the chances any of these 51% are going to think that the Demons have moved too far left? What's the chances any of these 51% retain the ability to think at all. This is the ideal group to be voting Demon and the Demon party will take advantage of them. At every turn. And these 51% will reward them with their purchased votes every time.

March 5, 2014 at 10:05 pm
Bill Worley says:

Norm, more aluminum foil is likely the answer. But don't listen to the white rabbit! He works for the central planners. Keep working on the bomb shelter, amassing weapons, ammunition, and supplies.