NC Spin Articles

Addressing the Keys to Economic Recovery

The General Assembly is three months into the long session. More than 1,700 bills have been filed with fewer than 50 (as of this writing) now law. The first bill signed into law encourages students to...    Read More

by Becki Gray   |   May 11, 2013

Not All Politics Is Local

If there was a national prize for rhetorical incoherence, one could find several excellent nominations among the ranks of North Carolina politicians and political commentators. For an example, you...    Read More

by John Hood   |   May 7, 2013

Three reactionary months

It has now been three months since the 2013 General Assembly session began. Most of the news coverage of the lawmakers has understandably focused on the daily debate in a key committee or on the House...    Read More

by Chris Fitzsimon   |   May 2, 2013

In the Absence of Argument

People generally quarrel,” G.K. Chesterton once wryly observed, “because they cannot argue.” To the extent North Carolina politics looks increasingly quarrelsome at the moment, it is because of...    Read More

by John Hood   |   May 2, 2013

Why the Energy Bill Matters

In a legislative session featuring proposals to rewrite the tax code, take important next steps on regulatory reform, give parents more school choice, and restructure the state’s transportation and...    Read More

by John Hood   |   April 30, 2013

Pandering to the shaking heads

More hidden and loaded guns in more places, including bars, restaurants, college campuses and city greenways—that appears to be the General Assembly’s response to the national tragedy in Newtown...    Read More

by Chris Fitzsimon   |   April 29, 2013