NC Spin Articles

Time to Change Judicial Selection?

Commentary by NC SPIN Panelists In light of recent discussions surrounding the impact big money has on North Carolina's judicial selection process, NC SPIN panelist Jeanne Bonds did some research to...    Read More

November 9, 2012

The First Dog

Governor-elect Pat McCrory held a press conference in Raleigh this afternoon to announce members of his transition team and priorities for their work leading up to his inauguration. McCrory said he...    Read More

November 8, 2012

The Untold Election Story

The untold election story thus far is the tremendous successes achieved by Republican candidates at every level in eastern North Carolina. It hasn't been many years since the Republican Party...    Read More

by Phil Kirk   |   November 8, 2012

North Carolina Votes for Change

For all the time, energy, and money spent on federal campaigns over the past two years, American voters decided not to make any significant changes. They reelected President Barack Obama, albeit with...    Read More

by John Hood   |   November 7, 2012

Now what?

This time, we will have no illusions that the President can fix things without our help Just four years ago, in the midst of a profound national economic crisis and a seemingly endless and disastrous...    Read More

by Rob Schofield   |   November 7, 2012

The Day After Yesterday

The Day After Yesterday Elections certainly do have consequences and we will have to wait and see what they will be.  I congratulate the Republican Governor and General Assembly and challenge them to...    Read More

November 7, 2012

Election Hangover Notes

First Republican governor, state House and Senate and Lt Governor since…. probably ever.  Elections have consequences and this one will bring North Carolina simpler, fairer more transparent tax...    Read More

by Becki Gray   |   November 7, 2012