McCrory's budget
For the first time in a very long time the media and the General Assembly recognize the Governor has a budget. Generally, in the past, no one cared if the Governor presented a budget because it was... Read More
For the first time in a very long time the media and the General Assembly recognize the Governor has a budget. Generally, in the past, no one cared if the Governor presented a budget because it was... Read More
Bowater, as his friends call him, is a local Democrat – and an incurable optimist. While Republican preen and strut with power and Democrats wring their hands with worry, Bowater remain serenely... Read More
For the past four years, a few NC SPIN panelists have advocated a governor who wanted to lead a good executive branch-not just another education governor. Governor McCrory's proposed budget is another... Read More
Sometimes, despite good intentions, we just get things wrong. That’s what happened in 2007, when the North Carolina legislature enacted a bill to force electric utilities to buy “renewable... Read More
Governor McCrory presented his budget to the NC General Assembly today. It is a proposed general fund budget totaling $20.6 billion with more than half earmarked for education. The McCrory budget does... Read More
Governor Pat McCrory presented his first budget proposal and it was pretty consistent with what he advocated while running for governor, emphasizing economy, education and efficiency. I’ve sat... Read More
Governor Pat McCrory and his State Budget Director Art Pope will release their proposed state budget for the next two years Wednesday morning. The release will do at least two important things. It... Read More
Republicans champion small, decentralized government as a core principle. Local control, they proclaim in campaigns, trumps mandates from Washington and Raleigh. Yet, this Republican-led General... Read More
Any plan for rejuvenating North Carolina’s economy by drawing down and spending more federal money is a plan for failure. At most, it would generate a ripple of economic activity in the short run... Read More
Following the 2010 election, we analyzed county commission seats in North Carolina and recorded a shift from almost completely Democratic in the early 1970s to a near even split between Republicans... Read More