NC Spin Articles

As North Carolina goes, so goes the nation

As Maine goes,” the old saying went, “so goes the nation.” Not anymore. Nowadays, North Carolina is America’s bellwether. It is here that the potent forces transforming America – changing...    Read More

December 4, 2013

Political pendulum swings against Hagan

With Tony Bennett, at age 87, still belting out the tunes, maybe Democrats should employ him to sing a campaign theme for 2014. "Put On a Happy Face" seems to be in order. It's what Democrats are...    Read More

December 3, 2013

Could Obamacare have been better?

I've taken a fair amount of heat for a post that I wrote two weeks ago in this space titled "Obama's Gift to the Republicans." The gift is, of course, the Affordable Care Act. I wrote that it was...    Read More

December 3, 2013

Shut up

So long as politicians exercise – and abuse – power, we need the press and professors around to question power. But it looks like Republicans in Raleigh want to shut down questions and shut up...    Read More

December 3, 2013

A critical need for innovation capital

North Carolina – especially the Research Triangle Park – is a hotbed for next-generation technology development and is among the nation’s leaders in overall employment and job creation in...    Read More

December 3, 2013