Business and teacher groups support McCrory teacher pay plan

Published May 9, 2014

by Jason deBruyn, Triangle Business Journal, May 7, 2014.

Both business and teacher groups support the new plan to increase teacher pay in North Carolina, which was announced by Gov. Pat McCrory Wednesday morning, although some still offered caution and hoped for more details.

The plan would not only increase base pay for all teachers, but also offer incentive pay to teachers in high-demand subjects like science and math as well as incentives for teachers going to hard-to-staff schools.

“Governor McCrory's initiative designed to improve education in North Carolina moves teacher pay reform in the right direction,” said Lew Ebert, president and CEO of the N.C. Chamber. But he also offered that “we look forward to seeing greater details on how this program will be funded to ensure that it is sustainable in the long-term.”

With only one pay increase for teachers since the beginning of the recession, North Carolina has slipped compared to other states, and now ranks 46th in terms of teacher compensation. The N.C. State University Emerging Issues Forum made North Carolina's K-12 schools its major issue this year.

CarolinaCAN: The North Carolina Campaign for Achievement Now, supports the new proposal, and encouraged members of the General Assembly to prioritize the principles included in the plan during the 2014 short session.

?“We’re deep in a hole when it comes to paying teachers enough. But we’re also paying for the wrong things,” said CarolinaCAN Executive Director Julie Kowal. “This is the first time we’ve seen a comprehensive proposal that addresses both low base salaries and the state’s outdated salary schedule.”

In a research brief, “Investing in Excellence: A guide to attracting, retaining and rewarding exceptional teachers in the Tar Heel State,” CarolinaCAN reviews research and best practice nationally to reward teachers for their career growth, expanded reach, and service in hard-to-staff fields.

Last year, a group of business leaders that includes Ann Goodnight of SAS, joined together to advocate for higher teacher pay. The group, Business for Educational Success and Transformation in North Carolina (BEST NC), argues that North Carolina’s future work force will suffer if the state’s public schools lose too many good teachers.

“We finally have a professional compensation plan that allows our most effective teachers to take on leadership roles in their schools and impact more students, without leaving the classroom,” said Venessa Harrison, president of AT&T North Carolina and BEST NC board member, in reaction to McCrory’s plan.

BEST NC supports the creation of a professionalized salary schedule for teachers that recognizes their talents and rewards highly effective teachers for expanding their impact on students.

“Teachers deserve our support,” said Brenda Berg, president and CEO of BEST NC. “They have seen a 16 percent inflation adjusted decrease in pay from 2002 to 2012. This proposed compensation plan goes beyond just restoring compensation – it gives every teacher the opportunity to expand their reach within their classrooms. This makes good business sense.”