Fiction in politics

Published November 12, 2013

by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, November 11, 2013.

The way the Tea Partiers see it, to save the country they have to do to the Washington Republicans what General Sheridan did to the Indians during the Indian Wars.


Because when the Tea Partiers say, We can’t vote to raise the Debt Ceiling unless Obama cuts spending – the Republican Bosses say back, Geez, not raise the Debt Ceiling? That’s risky. Forget about it.


The Tea Partiers figure when it comes to saving the country a little risk is fine, but the Washington Bosses see that same risk as getting in the way of their winning elections.


Which brings us to a very old subject: Fiction in politics.


Up in Virginia, Ken Cuccinelli just lost the Republican campaign for Governor and before the sun rose the next morning, the Washington Bosses were telling the press, He’d have won if the Tea Partiers hadn’t shut down the government.


Which sounds imminently logical.


The Tea Partiers shut down the government, Cuccinelli lost, so Cuccinelli lost because the Tea Partiers shut down the government.


The Tea Partiers didn’t take that lying down. They shot back with their own logic: The Washington Bosses didn’t lift a finger to help Cuccinelli, Cuccinelli lost by two points, so Cuccinelli lost because of the Washington Bosses.


Now there was one more interesting fact in the press: Cuccinelli’s campaign, reported, didn’t poll in the last few weeks of the race.


Now whoever heard of a major campaign not polling at the end of the race? That’s political malpractice. So here’s a bit more logic: Cuccinelli didn’t poll, Cuccinelli lost by two points, so Cuccinelli lost because he didn’t poll.


Of course, that’s not the whole story but it’s almost surely a reasonCuccinelli lost. Which is being ignored.


Instead, both Tea Partiers and Washington Bosses are pointing fingers and serving up explanations that serve one purpose: To hurt their political opponents.


And the press, instead of cutting through the political smokescreens, is going right along debating a pair of fictions.


November 12, 2013 at 8:51 am
TP Wohlford says:

That Carter neglects to mention Dem fiction is a true work of fiction itself.

I mean, seriously? The GOP is the reason why the ACA website doesn't work? Seriously? Seriously, ObamaCare will save us $2500 per year AND give everyone more care AND it won't be rationed in any way? Seriously, the GOP wants to throw grandma off of the cliff? Seriously?

Seriously, the GOP cut K-12 funding in NC? And that showing an ID and "only" having 7 days to vote is returning to the old Red Shirt / Poll Tax days?

Seriously, all of the old Segregationists became GOP members? Seriously? And the Party of Lincoln, the part of the Re-constructionists, the party that broke the civil rights filibusterers, is now the "new Confederacy and we have some nutjob with a CSA flag to prove it"??? Seriously?

The reason why Americans have lost faith in the 2 parties is that their rhetoric sounds like fiction, and certainly, aside from MSNBC/KOS crowds, few are buying the Dem party lines.

November 12, 2013 at 10:15 am
Norm Kelly says:

The Tea Party members and the Washington Republican Establishment are pointing fingers and making explanations/excuses to hurt their Political Opponents?

Except when the Republicans fight with/against Republicans, the Demoncrats are the winners. Republicans fighting amongst ourselves only serves the purpose of the Political Opponents. Republicans MUST NOT forget that the Political Opponents are THE DEMONCRATS!! If a Republican could win a race, but doesn't see eye to eye with the Establishment, the Establishment MUST bite the bullet & let the Republican win the race and HELP that Republican win the race. Otherwise, the Republicans are specifically stating that they would rather have a bleeding-heart, big-government, tax-and-spend Demoncrat win than to have a Tea Party member win. Demoncrats are NEVER better than the worst Republican.

I know the argument can be made that McCain could be considered worse than a Demoncrat replacement. I would find it hard to argue otherwise. But even though McCain really isn't a Republican, he's still better than ANY DEMONCRAT!!! At least with McCain public pressure MIGHT have some effect/affect on him. It's impossible for a Demoncrat to cave to public pressure. Witness Heir Obama. Doesn't care about the public/voters one bit. Witness Kay Hagan. If she cared about NC residents/voters/taxpayers she would be taking a different stand on socialized medicine, deficit spending, taxes, the Constitution, and many other topics/agenda items. Instead, just like most loyal Demoncrats in Washington, Hagan continues to put party first, self second, voters/taxpayers dead last. Take David price as another perfect example. Tax, spend, ignore the debt & deficit, implement policies designed to take control away from people/individuals and concentrate it in Washington. I can't think of one Demoncrat, federal or state level, that believes voter ID requirements are valid. NONE of them believe voter ID requirements should be supported, every one of them believes the law should never have passed to start with, and the courts should override the will of the people without question. Voting is one of the most important rights we have in this country (but only one!), yet Demoncrats insist that properly identifying yourself to vote is somehow discrimination. Allowing unidentified people to vote should be allowed, must be allowed. Somehow Demoncrats claim that identification will limit Demoncrat voters, but we're not supposed to wonder why Demoncrat voters won't be able to vote after they are required to identify themselves.

Slightly off topic, but my point remains. Republicans shouldn't be eating their own. We should be banding together against the Political Opponents, who are the ones that DO NOT believe in the Constitution. Who are the ones that desire/insist on taking away personal freedoms. At every opportunity Republicans at EVERY level must work together to defeat Demoncrats because Demoncrats ARE the political opponents.