Fight back. Vote

Published August 31, 2023

By Gary Pearce

Since Monday’s shooting at UNC, the gun lobby’s flacks, flunkies and apologists have been furiously tweeting/X’ing to justify inaction.

One state legislator said “it’s a mental health and woke society issue.”

A long-time Republican operative saw a dark link between Covid, Wuhan and the UNC lab.

Another, mightily offended that Congressman Jeff Jackson said “our kids pay the price for grown-ups who refuse to lead,” huffed, “there were no kids involved in the murder.”

Well, several thousand young people at UNC, along with faculty and staff, did shelter in place all afternoon.

Thousands of K-12 kids in Chapel Hill-Carrboro schools spent their first day back at school in lockdown.

This generation has been called the Lockdown Generation.

If they organize, register and vote, they can be the generation that takes down the gun lobby.