GOP debacle

Published October 16, 2013

by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, October 15, 2013.


For Republicans, the shutdown turned into a slapdown and the default into their fault.

 The GOP lost the debate, lost the battle for public opinion and put itself in a deep, deep hole for the 2014 elections. Governor McCrory’s DHHS debacle, $87,000 salaries and $230,000 bathrooms pale in significance.

The issues in the shutdown-default battle escape most Americans. It’s too big, too complicated and too easy to dismiss as just more Washington dysfunction.

But one thing is clear: the public blames the Republicans. They blame the Tea Party even more. They like both less than ever. They like President Obama and Democrats more than before. And they even like Obamacare more than before.

All this was shown in last week’s NBC-Wall Street Journal poll, which apparently shocked Republicans into staging a retreat. It found that, by 53-31, the public blames Republicans more than Obama. 

Just 24 percent have a favorable opinion of the GOP, and only 21 percent have a favorable view of the Tea Party. Both numbers are all-time lows in the history of poll. 

Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart, who did the poll with Republican Bill McInturff, said: “These numbers lead to one inescapable conclusion: The Republicans are not tone deaf; they are stone deaf.” 

It’s beyond most of us what exactly has been going on in Washington and what it means. But we’re clear on who to blame.



October 16, 2013 at 9:02 am
Norm Kelly says:

Selective poll watching. One more story where the liberals do their darndest to continue to story line that the TEA party and the Republicans are responsible for what the Democrats have done. This is typical of Liberals in the media and Washington. Continue to tell the same lie often enough, loud enough, most people will start to believe it. Democrats started talking about a government shutdown during the summer. Then they followed through. Yet the media and Democrats want us to think the Republicans are responsible. Talk about stupidity! Democrats started talking about a default sometime in September, or was it late August. When Democrats haven't negotiated with Republicans before Thursday night, Democrats will continue to blame Republicans for causing a default. But the facts are obvious to too many people. Too many of us no longer have to rely on NBC, or the N&O for 'news'. (in quotes because neither organization does news anymore.) First, Washington has enough income every month to prevent default. Second, law demands that Washington pay certain bills which prevents default. I know, the law is meaningless to this administration and to most Democrats in Washington. Third, notice that Democrats are continuing the shutdown, and talk about 'default' because they are trying to protect their carve-out in Obamacare. (yes, it's only 1 reason, but they are standing firm on this.) So, have you liberals asked yourselves the most important questions? First question to ask yourselves: if the law demands that everyone in the country including government officials (president, vice president, congress) be subjected to the abomination called Obamacare, then why did the president provide a carve-out for these same people? Second important question to ask yourselves and your elected Democrats: if socialized medicine is so darn good that you are forced to participate in it, then why isn't it good enough for themselves? Why have they exempted their buddies, like unions? Washington runs these days on the ignorance of their supporters, yet their supporters appear to be content with ignorance.

Other polls correctly show that Democrats are held as responsible as Republicans. Other polls correctly show that Obama's support is at an all time low. Other polls show that even die-hard Democrat supporters are finding that Obamacare is as bad as conservatives told them it would be. One of the polls that showed Republicans were the most hated people in the world, even more hated than al-kayda, disproportionately polled Democrats and union workers. Is this a true result? Only a liberal would believe it.

If Obamacare is getting more popular, then why are people talking so negatively about it. People who had supported it when it was passed, when it was in discussion in Washington, have turned tail. People who thought it was a good idea for people without insurance to finally be able to afford insurance are finding out the hard way that it has a major negative impact on themselves. Many people are wondering why their health insurance/doctor/whatever options are being affected just so somebody else can be provided with 'affordable' insurance.

The Mayor of Morrisville is quoted in today's paper as saying that the NCGA doesn't know what's right for all the districts in just North Carolina when it comes to gun control. But these same people will claim that central planners know what's best when it comes to my relationship with my doctor. These same people will claim that it's right for my premiums to be FORCED higher by law in order to make it so someone else can 'afford' insurance.

Typical of liberals. Their minds are like concrete: all mixed up and permanently set. What's obviously bad in one situation is deemed the best solution in another situation. Confused? Of course you are cuz it makes no sense. Like most liberal policies.

October 16, 2013 at 6:17 pm
Jacob J Jacobs says:

LOL! Too bad you wasted all of that finger energy to say nothing.