Governor Cooper

Published December 9, 2016

By Tom Campbell

by Tom Campbell, Executive Producer and Moderator, NC SPIN, December 8, 2016.

What can we expect when Roy Cooper becomes the 75th Governor of North Carolina on January 5th? Cooper is the most experienced and knowledgeable officeholder we’ve seen in decades, having served in leadership roles in the legislature and as our Attorney General. He has the advantage of understanding both the powers and limitations of the Governor, has a good grasp of the workings of state government, is experienced in the art of deal-making with the legislature and knows many people who can serve his administration.

Timing is important. To his good fortune Roy Cooper inherits a strong and recovering economy. Recent sessions of the legislature have taken actions that helped improve the picture, however the cyclical nature of our economy would most certainly have produced a better climate than that inherited by Pat McCrory. Tax revenues to the state are ahead of projections, the state has built sufficient reserves to help weather future economic downturns and there is evidence that the tax cuts enacted by the legislature, while favoring upper income citizens and corporations, are working. Unemployment rates are down, new jobs have been created in recent months and wages are increasing slightly. But it’s not all roses. Rural sections and certain population groups are not enjoying the benefits as much as others and many of the new jobs are being created in lower-paying job sectors.

Our governor is one of the weakest executive officeholders in the nation and Cooper will face some challenges, specifically a legislature run by Republicans. With a veto-proof majority in both houses, strong personalities and forceful leadership, legislators pretty much had their way with Cooper’s predecessor. To be successful “Coop” must be disciplined, have a well-crafted, limited agenda of attainable goals and will need all his skills to build coalitions. He must also be willing to use the bully pulpit of the office to sway both public and legislative opinion when needed. Cooper watched Jim Hunt work this recipe to perfection; of course Hunt had a Democratic controlled legislature.

Roy Cooper gave us an inkling of several priorities during the gubernatorial campaign. Look for a major emphasis to be making life better for middle class North Carolinians. Having come from Nash County you will hear much about strengthening rural parts of our state. Public education will also be a major thrust, especially in further raises for teachers, changing school funding formulas and in better training students to have the skillsets needed by employers. Don’t be surprised if Cooper gets out in front of a large transportation package to create jobs and improve roads in the state. He has vowed to repeal HB2, but that pledge is problematic, since the legislature must take this action and doesn’t appear inclined to do so.

Elected by only a .2 percent margin, Cooper acknowledged the close contest but proclaimed at a rally in Raleigh Tuesday night that he intends to be the Governor for all the state. Whether a Democrat or a Republican we should all wish Roy Cooper well. His success will also be our success. Our hope is that both Governor Cooper and our legislature will put aside partisanship and differences to work for the common good. Governor-elect Cooper says he can’t wait to get to work. We wish him well.


December 9, 2016 at 10:56 am
Richard L Bunce says:

I have no doubt he will not be a governor for the libertarians in the State given his campaign promises, nor should he be. He should bash his head against the R Legislature wall to keep his campaign promises to the people that voted for him... and like General James Johnston Pettigrew's charge at Gettysburg... the Legislature's line will hold... but he will be able to savor the lost cause forever.

December 9, 2016 at 11:22 am
Robert J Millikin says:

Hear! Hear!

December 11, 2016 at 8:40 pm
Bill Brice says:

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Cooper won't do a thing for the middle class, no liberal ever has. He's just a run of the mill lib who is a liar and lied to win combined with the low information voter. He's an ego maniac. I hope he fails miserably.