Greased pigs and jaguars

Published November 6, 2013

by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, November 5, 2013.

The poor Tea Partiers are finding the Republican Establishment in Washington harder to keep ahold of than a greased pig – they cornered the elusive rascals, trying to defund Obamacare, but then the wily Pachyderms slipped through their fingers and now Ted Cruz and the Tea Partiers are taking a pounding, being called pouty children with no respect for the time-honored traditions of Congress and common decencies – like never putting a fellow Republican Congressman on the hot seat.


But Ted Cruz and Rand Paul may have lost the battle but won the war.


Republicans who vote in primaries loathe Obamacare and, thanks to the virtues of democracy, every GOP Congressman who voted for the deal (to fund Obamacare) has to win a primary in Topeka or Toledo or wherever to continue to be a Washington Republican.


So the Pachyderms are taking evasive action – by morphing. They’re no longer Washington Republicans – instead, they’ve announced, they’re now ‘Pro-business Republicans.’ It’s sort of like a leopard changing his spots. Or the polecat who had a PR problem and decided the way to solve it was to declare he was a jaguar.


Of course, beneath the surface not much has changed.



November 6, 2013 at 9:48 am
TP Wohlford says:

Are the "Pro-business Republicans" the ones flooding the media with stories on how "business needs more STEM people, therefore we need more H1 Visa" stories? All at a time when, based on my personal experience, we don't have a shortage of IT people, and we have PhD'd "rocket scientists" who can't find a job in field?

Immigration reform is badly needed, for sure. Anyone who wants to see how good their local DMV works (by comparison) should try the immigration people on for size! But the problem is that the "Pro-business Republicans" sold us down the river for 20 years, turning a blind eye to illegal immigration after the last amnesty, and we scarcely trust them on this issue.