I'm not embarrassed and won't keep my mouth shut

Published February 3, 2017

By Tom Campbell

by Tom Campbell, Executive Producer and Moderator, NC SPIN, February 3, 2017.

Trusted Trump advisor Steve Bannon fired the latest salvo in the war against the news media, calling them the “opposition party,” suggesting the media should be “embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for a while.” Mr. Bannon, former Executive Chairman of the right wing website Breitbart News Network, certainly didn’t believe that when Barack Obama was in the White House.

Is Bannon suggesting the media should shut up for the next four years or is this silence just for those who oppose the Trump administration? Nobody likes criticism, least of all politicians, but our nation’s history is filled with examples where people in power – not just elected officials - have made bad decisions, tried to cover up indiscretions and illegal actions or wanted to silence those who opposed their positions.

We would still be British subjects had newspapers, broadsides and pamphlets failed to rail against tyranny and injustice in the American colonies. Where would this nation be if the media had kept its mouth shut in the face of racial injustice and violence during the 1960s civil rights movement? What would have happened if Walter Cronkite had kept his mouth shut about the Vietnam War, a conflict America was obviously losing, while the Generals and administration officials kept reporting the contrary? And if Woodward and Bernstein had kept quiet over the “third rate burglary” at the Democratic National Committee offices at Watergate who knows how history might have been different.

Is there media bias? Yes, and there always has been, but the role of the media is to be neither a rubber stamp nor a silent witness. We would never suggest the media’s role is to automatically and systematically oppose any and everything said or done, but it is both healthy and beneficial for them to ask questions, point out obviously erroneous or mistaken positions and oppose those they believe are not serving the public interest or upholding our Constitution. In this day of social media, the Internet and cable news pumping news and opinions at us 24 hours a day there are plenty of options discerning readers and viewers can choose to hear pros and cons of most every issue.

Like others, I have been re-reading George Orwell’s 1984, the fictional classic where Big Brother silenced and punished any who spoke against those in power. We would never suggest the current administration mirrors these extremes, but there have been examples when regimes (need we mention Hitler?) effectively silenced opposition.

There is an obligation for those having a media platform to follow Bannon’s advice and listen carefully, just as there is a responsibility to seek fairness and balance to the coverage of people and events. The media should also be quick to admit when it is wrong or unfair, but what Mr. Bannon is really saying is that he doesn’t trust you to be intelligent or discerning enough to sift through the coverage and make your own decision as to the right and wrong.

For the record I am not embarrassed or humiliated to speak out, nor will I keep my mouth shut. I do have confidence you are smart enough to decide the right or wrong of what I say.

February 3, 2017 at 10:08 am
Richard L Bunce says:

The five most important words in the US Constitution "Congress shall make no law..." protect both Mr. Bannon and Mr. Campbell. Of course the media is biased and to the credit of at least some dropped all pretense that they are not. Others still cling to that notion despite the product they produce everyday. No need for anyone to tell anyone to keep their mouth shut. Perfectly fine for someone to say they don't care what you say.

February 3, 2017 at 10:58 am
Aprille Sweatt says:

Listening is a virtue. It seems that most people - inside and outside the media - want to be heard, yet seldom listen. Neutrality in journalism is dead. Opinions and sensationalism abounds. Comedy and variety shows have been replaced with "news" and "journalism." I have always heard, "Do not believe everything that you read." That advice is best for all editorials and news media venues - which now exist as a type of embarrassingly sick comedy.

February 3, 2017 at 11:06 am
Bruce Stanley says:

Fortunately the "forgotten man" has now become immune to the overwhelming media bias to the left. The mainstream media has become irrelevant, and it's of their own doing.

February 3, 2017 at 3:45 pm
Norm Kelly says:

Bannon was/is right on one point. When expressing opinion, state so. When reporting news, keep your bias out of it! If you can't keep your obvious left-wing bias out of your reporting, then you are not reporting.

For the past 8 years, media types have NOT been reporting. They have been opining, and covering up for their allies in the demon party. They have refused to ask questions, not just hard questions, but questions in general. And when someone DARED to ask questions to power, media types came out of the woodwork to demonize them and to defend their allies in the demon party.

Now that we have a Republican President, suddenly media types are declaring their desire to do their jobs again. Like they expect us to believe it will happen for more than just the next 4 years. Media types have lost credibility due to their own efforts. Or lack of efforts. Media types have totally given up any pretense of being arch left-wing zealot allies, and the opposition party to Republicans/conservatives/Constitutionalists.

Just this week, some NBC organization (as i recall) started reporting more than just the simple unemployment number. They reported the number of those who stopped looking as well. Less than 1 month into a Republican administration, and suddenly media allies of the demon party find it necessary to start reporting more of the picture. When their ally was in office, at least the first 6 years, the administration and allies reported EVERYTHING as being the responsibility of Bush. After less than 1 month, media allies of the demon party are already claiming Trump responsibility. Funny how allies work.

So, Tom, continue to shout loudly. But we expect opinion from opinion pieces and TRUTHFUL reporting on NEWS items. We usually get this from you. Not so with a majority of your compatriots. They MUST be accountable, and when the N&D goes out of business due to lack of readers, who will be disappointed?

February 3, 2017 at 11:39 pm
Donald Pierce says:

Right on Tom. You are standing on the shoulders of giants from Burke to Franklin Jefferson and Thomas Paine to many others including Edward R. Morrow...you stand in good stead. Keep it up

February 4, 2017 at 7:08 am
Jamie Farrell says:

Tom, you have the right to speak your mind and do true reporting. You are just as left as WRAL is in reporting the twisted truths in getting ratings. Report true news, state your opinion as an opinion. Since President Trump has taken office the news media has been after him like a pack of coondogs after a coon. The liberalism of this nation is an epidemic and the media is with them. Can't you and other journalists respect the will of the people and the electoral college that he is the President. Instead of helping divide this country even more do something to help bring people together.

February 5, 2017 at 9:25 am
Richard Lonon says:

Thank you, Tom, for your post. When the President tries to rule by fiat rather than lead through legislative process; when his chief councilor Bannon takes pride in being equated with Thomas Cromwell, Darth Vader and Satan; when authoritarianism replaces guidance we need thoughtful voices to fill the vacuum. Way to stick your chin out!

February 7, 2017 at 12:11 pm
Angela McDowell says:

Tom, No need to be silent, as most of us are enjoying the entertainment you and your colleagues in the media continue to provide for the majority of America. You were indeed silent for eight years on every illegal, unconstitutional, narcissistic move President Obama made. You glorified him even in the face of his reckless and dangerous EO's, apology tours, backroom deals, and meddling in other nations affairs. Now, suddenly, you want the American people to believe you are a fair, unbiased voice of information we deserve to hear? Please. Steve Brannon was in no way suggesting the A,Erica people are too stupid to filter through the fake news spread daily in print media, cable news, and NPR spin. Quite the opposite. Brannon is well aware that we the people have been taking note of the lying media for a long time.

Recall, if you can, the dozens of times Obama blamed Fox News, talk radio, and right wing blogs for all his ills. If only he could shut them all down, then people wouldn't be clinging to their guns and religion and would see things the "right" way- his way- the progressive way.

So now, that the people have said no to Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and the progressive, left wing msm, you're all in a tizzy. I am not alone in my delight in watching you all explode in self aggrandizement. So please, keep it up.

February 16, 2017 at 11:22 pm
Bruce Stanley says:


I heard an interesting Gallop poll tonight. The national media is not trusted by Republicans by 9 to 1. Also, 70% of Independents don't trust the national media. The Wikileaks exposed the collusion of the national media with the Clinton campaign. The gig is up for the democrats. The people have wised up. Everybody now knows the national media is in the tank for the democrats. Sorry to break it to you.