Kate Barr for the win

Published December 21, 2023

By Gary Pearce

Kate Barr’s campaign slogan is “Kate Barr Can’t Win.”

Barr is a Democrat running in North Carolina Senate District 37, Mecklenburg and Iredell counties, which the legislature gerrymandered into a safe Republican seat.

Barr flipped the script. She says:

“District 37 is so gerrymandered that I don’t stand a chance. But we deserve to have two names on the ballot.​ If I’m going to lose, we might as well have a little fun, raise a little hell, and shine a light on the impacts of gerrymandering along the way. Get in losers, we’re (not) going to the Senate.”

Her website has a funny, biting video. She clearly is having fun. And raising hell.

And there’s a button: “(Don’t) Donate.”

I donated. I gave enough to pay her gas for a few swings around the district, especially now that gas prices are down. (Thanks, President Biden!)

She can tell voters about the political skullduggery in Raleigh.

She can show the power of Democrats competing all over the state, even in gerrymandered districts.

Kate Barr is wrong.

She’s already winning.