McCain is a donkey in an elephant costume

Published October 16, 2013

by Bill Moore, Beaufort Observer, October 14, 2013.

Let me start by saying I have great respect for Senator John McCain’s military service and years of suffering he endured as a Prisoner of War.  However in the last few years I have wondered if he is not really a Democrat posing as a Republican. I am not sure if he supports many, if any, Republican/ Conservative Core values.

After watching and listening to him on television and radio, I have come to the conclusion he defends and give excuses for President Obama at a level that rivals Obama’s Press Secretary. His latest “Democratic” response was Friday. When being questioned by a Fox anchor, instead of responding to the question he started defending Obama. The question asked his thoughts on which Administration official should be held accountable for the denial of death benefits to military families during the shutdown. Was it President Obama or Secretary of Defense Hagel?

His response was interesting and right out of the Democratic play book. Instead of putting the responsibility on the Administration, he placed it squarely on Republicans who supported the Government Shutdown in an attempt to defund Obama Care. According to him it was their fault because without the shutdown there would have been no opportunity for them to change military benefits. No mention the Administration made deliberate choices to inflict maximum pain on the military and public in general.

Making it worse McCain then goes on a tirade against Republicans in the Senate (Cruz& Lee) who both supported and started the defunding attempt that led to the shutdown.  He directly blamed them for all evils the Administration caused as a result of the shutdown.  He quoted polls that show Republicans are now well received by the Public. McCain is silent on issues that might break the stalemate such as removing the Medical Device Tax in Obama Care. He is not actively fighting for a removal of the special benefits Congress gave themselves when they gave themselves and their aides special tax subsidies for health care not available to other Americans. With him on the Republican side the Democrats do not need to defend as they are watching Republicans attack each other and cause an even greater split in the party.

What McCain fails to understand is the real ramifications of polls. Polls show over 80% dissatisfaction with Government and only an approval rating in the mid twenties for Republicans.  He fails to understand the Conservative base of the Republican Party and most Americans want to change government and not have it be “Business as usual”. In fact the Conservatives elected to both Houses of Congress reflect a growing segment of the Public and Republican / Conservatives that oppose business as usual and want a major change in government direction.  In fact that low Republican rating might in fact be a reflection of our desire to have the Party stand up and not continually roll over in fear of the Obama Administration and taking a stand that might cause controversy and effect their re-election.

McCain keep saying he has been a consistent opponent to Obama Care but there is nothing anyone can do until the Republicans re-take the Presidency and add the Senate to their majority in Congress. Without Republican actions on principles, the chances of that happening are slight.

He is a frequent visitor to the White House. One might argue dialogue with the White House is a good thing. I agree to a point, however all talk and no results that support Republican/Conservative principles is a waste of time.

McCain needs to either change Parties and work with the people he obviously supports or just retire and allow the Nation to honor him for his service. Arizona could then elect a Senator that would work for Republican / Conservative principles.  As Halloween approaches I wonder if he would attend a costume party as an elephant or a donkey. My real fear is he is a donkey in an elephant costume.

October 16, 2013 at 7:49 am
Jack Dawsey says:

What planet is Bill Moore from? O' I know. He's one of these new fangled republicans that believes the color of orange is black, that up is down, that right is left. Moore write's that the Obama Administration is responsible for not paying the death benefits of deceased soldiers, and is critical of Senator McCain for not saying so. Mr. Moore, I ask you a question. Where does the President and his Administration gets it's money to spend? May I offer a wild-guess for you? It's the U.S. House that appropriates the money to fund the government. The President can't spend a dime unless (a) it appropriated by the House, and (b) approved by the U.S. Senate.

Had the President sent a single $100,000 death benefit to one of the widows of a dead soldier, you would have been one of the first self-righteous republicans to call for an IMPEACHMENT. IMPEACH!...IMPEACH!

October 16, 2013 at 8:29 am
Pat Johnson says:

October 16, 2013 at 6:11 pm
Jacob J Jacobs says:

Just the fact that Mr. Moore was watching FOX News says it all . . .