Moral Monday Protests

Published June 6, 2013

By Gene Arnold

by Gene Arnold

The Moral Monday protests have given the NAACP a reason to march and protest. For a long time they have had to try to generate interest in something which would give them the ability to appear meaningful and active.  The best benefit received because of the protests may be it will improve their fund raising capabilities.

The General Assembly certainly has no interest nor do the protests have any influence on the solons decision making process.  One must remember that when the party in power continues to draw the district lines, that party generally stays in power.  They are almost immune to arguments and protests of any sort.  The people who are getting arrested may feel good about making a statement, however, a letter to the editor would serve the same purpose.  At least the personal monetary consequences would be less than the cost of court.

It is a pity the NCAAP has worn out its impact of protests with the Wake County School Board activities.  They have also infringed on the good name of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who had a legitimate cause to demonstrate.  These Monday supper club demonstrations appear frivolous because they do not state a clear and concise position on an issue.  Demonstrators do not name a specific issue to which Republicans might be forced to respond.  Therefore the demonstrations appear to be for the sake of demonstrating.

Come election time all will be forgotten except the issues raised by the campaigners.  All politics are local.  State government Monday night marches will long be forgotten.  If the NAACP wanted to be effective they should be testifying at the trials going on at the Campbell University classroom concerning the packing of African/American districts which has the effect of loading individual districts with democrats and watering down their voting strength in other districts.

At least the demonstrations provides the media with something to write about on a slow news day.

Gene Arnold is a former legislator and an NC Spin Panelist

June 6, 2013 at 11:50 am
Rip Arrowood says:

Whistling past the graveyard....

June 6, 2013 at 1:18 pm
dj anderson says:

Rev. Barber is the most visible Democrat in NC. People will either identify with the Monday Mass or not. It probably hurts the party overall, but the protests do solidify a base of idealists wanting a cause.

June 6, 2013 at 2:16 pm
Edward Abby Hoffman says:

Nonsense. When the 'reps' fail to represent or lead wisely as is clearly the case in the US and the world people must fire the 1% despite the earth and people killing rules the privileged few have bought. Protests are merely a way to sidestep the lack of representation in government and media.

June 7, 2013 at 10:23 am
Margaret Herring says:

Mr. Arnold, you don't have a clue.