More Shocking News on Obamacare

Published October 18, 2013

Civitas CivitasReview Online - OCT 17

The latest estimates of Obamacare costs should be shocking to young people.

The Heritage Foundation came up with estimates of what Obamacare premiums will cost compared to previous policies. Now, this is a rough estimate, perhaps, but the government has been trying to obscure what is happening, so for now we'll run with what Heritage came up with. So far, Obamacare has been worse than what pessimists forecast, so that may hold true for final prices also.

Let's look at the figures for NC.

The estimated premium for a 27-year-old will jump 90 percent, from $135 a month to $257.39.

Did young people in their prime suddenly become more prone to disease? No, the dirty little secret is coming out: Obamacare depends on forcing healthy young people to fork over more money for health care — mostly to pay for care for older people.

The estimated premiums for people who are 50 will go up a much smaller percentage, 20 percent, from $364 to $438.64 a month. Needless to say, those who are 50 or older — and I speak from experience — will need more care from doctors and hospitals. Yet their premium increase is far less steep than that younger people will pay.

Older people should be grateful. And when today's 27-year-olds need more health care in 40 years … well, I'm sure we boomers will do what we can.

Obamacare is not only a financial disaster, a health nightmare, and a technological train wreck — at its heart it is brutally unfair to young people, many of whom are struggling in the society that has been bequeathed to them.

And if they don't sign up, many experts say, Obamacare will go into a fiscal "death spiral." The ruckus over Obamacare is far from over.

October 18, 2013 at 10:00 am
Jack Dawsey says:

Some home-schooled and Christian schooled systems are Bob Jones in nature. The children are often unable to emotionally deal with, and negotiate with a person having opposing views, especially in religion and politics.

October 18, 2013 at 10:37 am
Norm Kelly says:

NONE of what's in this post should be a surprise to ANYONE! It certainly was NOT a surprise to true conservatives, who have been opposed to socialized medicine from the beginning and continue to be opposed to socialized medicine.

Not only are young people stuck with outrageous premiums because socialized medicine insists on disproportianately shifting the true cost of coverage from the 'unhealthy' to the 'healthy', but young people are also stuck with the unsustainable costs of social security, medicare, medicaid, and the national debt.

Has any liberal given any thought to how the next generation and the next generation are going to manage? Has any liberal given any thought to how much it's going to cost my kids & grandkids to support me & others in my generation? Has any liberal given any thought to how bad this is going to make me feel for my grandkids? The answer to all these questions is patently obvious. NO LIBERAL has given ANY thought to the future. Their thoughts are ONLY on the current give-aways so they get re-elected. This generation is much more selfish than even the one before us, which is a hard level to get to! They care NOTHING about my grandkids, or it seems even their own grandkids. Liberals care nothing about facts and history. If they cared even a little bit about either, they would have to admit that socialism has failed everywhere that it is tried; socialized medicine has failed everywhere that it is tried; shifting costs from one generation to the next and next has never worked. Liberalism is nothing but a lie.

It's time more people like Ted Cruz stood up and insisted on some truth from our elected officials. The current system is NOT sustainable. How can anyone think that adding more dependents to the government rolls will simply make it better and easier for the next generation? How can anyone believe that the original costs for Obamacare were actually less than $1trillion? The most recent estimates show this number to be so drastically wrong as to not be funny. $2.6trillion is NOWHERE close to 'less than $1trillion'! Like anyone should think that 'less than $1trillion' is chump change! People! Start thinking! Trillions are not small change.

Thank god for conservatives. There's not enough of us. Yet. There aren't enough with sufficient backbone. Yet. But Ted Cruz types are stirring more of us. John Galt shall rise. I just hope it's not too late for John. I believe his time has already come. Perhaps his name is Ted and not John!

Liberals are the ones who have made statements about 'death to conservatives'. But their sentiment is almost correct. Not death to liberals, but certainly a minor role quickly. We should always have a few liberals around to remind us what we fight for and why victory is so important.