NC Leaders should fight to keep Common Core

Published April 28, 2014

Editorial by News and Observer, April 27, 2014.

In answer to the question, “What’s next?” North Carolina Republican legislators have a doozy. Having instituted voter suppression laws, ended teacher job protections, killed off many environmental safeguards and rendered the Department of Health and Human Services a dysfunctional mess, it’s on to other things.

First on the list for some, apparently, are the Common Core State Standards for public education, something to which 44 states and the District of Columbia have subscribed. Common core is a set of standards that set a consistent group of measures of student progress in math and English language arts from kindergarten through high school.

The standards were the creation of a bipartisan group led by the National Governors Association. And the idea was smart: to ensure that students nationwide were learning the fundamentals in a rigorous fashion and that states would be able to measure their students against those from all around the country. The standards, for which many teachers have trained, are supposed to encourage students to do more critical thinking and to learn how to solve problems.

But now in North Carolina, Republican legislators have common core in their sights. The peculiar logic of their opposition is that the state should control standards and not be part of a national effort. They want to end common core in North Carolina and have the state set its own standards.

That’s bad enough, after all the work that’s been done on common core. Far worse is that Republicans want to replace the standards through the State Board of Education and a group of political appointees. That’s a formula for interference in education by politicians with ideological causes they’d like to see taught to students. And presto: Since Republicans are in charge, it’s a safe bet those causes would include the anti-government philosophies of the tea party division of the Republican Party, which is at the heart of opposition to common core.

And the tea party is driven mainly by one obsession, its hatred of President Obama. Republicans in the legislature won’t admit it, but what’s really going on here is that they’re following the tea party and its advocates on right-wing radio out the window in the belief that common core is an Obama-led conspiracy to indoctrinate school kids in liberal ways.

In fact, common core has been supported by prominent current and former Republican governors including Chris Christie of New Jersey and Jeb Bush of Florida. Its creation was bipartisan and wholly the product of a sincere desire to make America’s students better and more competitive in the world.

The standards also have the support of the very conservative business lobby, the North Carolina Chamber. Pat McCrory has even been a supporter, though it will be interesting to see whether the legislative leaders of his Republican Party put him under rein. They have in the past treated the governor without much respect and with virtually no interest in getting his input into policymaking.

Ending common core and turning to a political panel to advise the State Board of Education on testing will make the state a laughingstock that appears to be run by people who are champions of ignorance and fearful of any ideas that come from outside North Carolina’s borders.

Common core has broad-based support. Business leaders, former Gov. Jim Hunt, the greatest education governor ever, and, yes, even some mainstream Republicans have backed strong and clear measurements for educational progress. These different groups recognize that common core isn’t about ideology or politics.


April 28, 2014 at 10:21 am
Norm Kelly says:

How much of this editorial is worth reading? None. Consider it a colossal waste of time. First, it was written by the N&D editorial staff. That should be enough to know reading is pointless.

The opening paragraph shows just how useless the rest will be. The lie is printed first: ' Having instituted voter suppression laws'. I guess what's said about libs is really true: repeat the lie often enough, loud enough, you'll get enough people to believe it. Don't bother showing proof of your claim, just claim it cuz too many people don't bother questioning it, they just accept it because they've seen/heard it so often. Kinda like global climate change being man-made.

Common Core: so, 44 states have accepted it. This is meaningful? How many didn't accept it? How many did accept it and are now reconsidering their decision? Just because a big education decision was made, does that mean it's impossible to change your mind? A set of standards is one thing. A curriculum that doesn't make sense is another thing. Teaching kids a convoluted method to get a proper math answer is pointless and confusing. Simple addition and subtraction is simple; what sense does it make to complicate it and make a standard way of teaching it? Treating all kids like they learn the same way will prove a failure cuz not all kids are the same. But a common curriculum does not allow for variation.

Then the N&D goes on to say that ' the tea party is driven mainly by one obsession, its hatred of President Obama'. Really? What's the proof of this statement? Since it's in the N&D, printed by a lib rag, written by a lib-lover, there need be no fact behind the statement. Try to find anywhere that TEA people HATE the occupier. The policies of the occupier is what is hated. But since the occupier is a mostly-black man, the libs use their own tendencies to berate their opponents. As I've written so many times, libs look first at the skin color of a black person, make judgments about that person based on skin color, and project those same responses onto conservatives. Except conservatives see a person first, a black person further down the list of qualifiers. The socialism of the occupier are hated/despised by conservatives. The proven record of the occupier ignoring the law is a problem for TEA people. The outright, blatant racism of the occupier is hated by TEA people and conservatives (but the libs at the N&D project this onto TEA people). The desire to spend us into bankruptcy is hated by thinking people. The desire to control everyday life for every individual, beyond the scope of the US Constitution, is hated by TEA people and thinking people and conservatives (redundancy alert!).

But for the liberal rag N&D to simply make more noise about hating the occupier because he's black (mostly) can be described as the epitome of stupidity. Except if we just wait long enough, we'll hear something even more ridiculous and unsubstantiated by the libs. And then the N&D will pick up and run with that nonsense also.

Did I bother reading the entire editorial? No. Same reason I don't listen when the occupier speaks. Pointless. Lack of truth spewing forth. Lies. Incorrect information. I have other things to do with my time that are more useful. Like just about anything. Clipping toe nails is a better use of time than reading N&D editorials and/or listening to the occupier.