On the less-affordable care act

Published February 19, 2014

By John Hood

by John Hood, John Locke Foundation and NC SPIN panelist, February 19, 2014.

Could President Obama’s signature program, the Affordable Care Act, be responsible for declining rates of growth in U.S. health care spending? That’s what some Obamacare advocates are claiming. To do so, however, would require that they be either embarrassingly uninformed or shamelessly dishonest. I’ll go with the “uninformed” explanation, because I’m a nice guy.

In 2008, health care spending rose by about 4.7 percent. By 2012, it had dropped to 3.7 percent. But these facts don’t establish that the passage of the Affordable Care Act is responsible for moderating the trend.

For one thing, until this year the only Obamacare provisions to be implemented were modest insurance-market regulations such as requiring companies to sell dependent coverage to young adults until the age of 26. These provisions could only have raised total health spending, however modestly. The main provisions — Medicaid expansion, subsidized exchange plans, Medicare cutbacks, and heavier regulation — are only starting to kick in now.

For another thing, Health care spending rose by 4.7 percent in 2008, 3.9 percent in 2009, 3.9 percent in 2010, 3.9 percent in 2011, and 3.7 percent in 2012. Unless you want to attribute the slowdown in medical inflation to Obama’s election, rather than to the passage of Obamacare, the timing simply doesn’t work.

It’s actually a lot worse than that for Obamacare defenders. You see, health care inflation was dropping before 2008 — much more rapidly, in fact, than it has since. If you follow this link, you’ll see a line graph that tells the story well. A decade ago, the inflation rate was nearly 10 percent. It dropped significantly over the next few years.

One reason was that patents expired on some popular medicines, allowing the substitution of lower-cost generics. Another reason was the growing of consumer-driven health plans that combined higher deductibles with health savings accounts (HSAs) or health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs). Favorable court rulings and the passage of health care legislation in 2003 allowed these alternatives to enter the market for individual and group health plans.

Some 30 million Americans are enrolled in some kind of consumer-driven health plan. In part because these consumers now have financial incentives to consume medical services wisely, providers are responding by posting their prices and investing in lower-cost delivery options such as urgent care and minute clinics. For the first time in decades, there is real price competition and service innovation in the market. As a result, medical inflation has moderated. An application of basic economic principles and some good-old-fashioned common sense is all that is required to understand the dynamics involved. So you can see why some Obamacare boosters are struggling to keep up.

Far from causing the favorable trend on health care spending, the so-called Affordable Care Act is about to reverse it. According to actuaries for the Medicare and Medicaid programs, U.S. health care expenditures are projected to grow by 6.1 percent in 2014 (compared to a projection of 4.5 percent without Obamacare) and then stay somewhat higher than the baseline through 2022. Other analysts who don’t work for the administration believe the effects on future health care spending may be even greater. Perhaps these higher costs will purchase valuable outcomes such as healthier Americans. That’s certainly debatable. What isn’t debatable is that Obamacare will raise the nation’s health care tab, not lower it.

So, to review, Obamacare couldn’t possibly be responsible for the decline in medical inflation since Obama was elected. The rate of health care spending growth was dropping faster before Obama’s election than it has dropped since. And Obamacare will increase that growth rate, not decrease it, in the coming years.

Put that in your hot chocolate and drink it.

February 19, 2014 at 10:57 am
Norm Kelly says:

Damn facts! For sure every Demon out there, including Obama & K, will choose to ignore this information. Or they will simply call the people using these facts 'racist, conservative, do-nothings' hell-bent on preventing Obama from getting any credit. They will claim that mis-information is being used to repeal the best idea to hit America since the invention of the napkin.

Except, people like me will keep K on her toes and force her to explain how she can continue to support socialized medicine when EVERY FACT that comes out about it proves that she & it are WRONG. Every detail that comes out of even this White House proves that Obamacancer was doomed to fail before it was even implemented.

It's kinda like Gov Mike's plan for state-sponsored gambling fixing the financial situation in NC. For you libs who might stumble upon this response, I'm referring to the lottery, what libs like to lie to us and call 'the education lottery'. Turns out the Demon plan to force state-sponsored gambling down our throats at all costs has had the same effect on education that socialized medicine is having on health care costs & delivery in the country. Both have failed in their stated mission. 'Stated mission' because it's obvious the DemocRATs plan in both cases had nothing to do with the stated mission. The only plans the Demons have actually increases costs, decreases competition from the private market, and concentrates power in the hands of politicians and/or unelected government employees. If the idea doesn't affect one of these areas, the libs are completely opposed to it. Like school choice. Libs oppose it. Why? Cuz it takes power, control, authority away from libs. Socialized medicine is failing, and will fail, but libs continue to support it, bolster it, lie about it, because it not only increases costs, it reduces personal options, and it concentrates power with the central planners.

I've contacted K asking why she continues to support this, and asked her why she says Obamacancer hasn't gone far enough. Have you contacted K wondering the same things? Only by our action can we get the central planners out of our lives, one step at a time.