One honest man getting shot from both sides

Published May 14, 2014

by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, May 12, 2014.

Years ago a Democratic gnome sitting in a cloister pouring over reams of polls and demographics had a profound revelation: Most of the people who didn’t vote were Democrats. The word spread from gnome to pollster to politicians where it led to scads of mischief (all dressed in the trappings of government) as Democrats passed laws like same day voting, early voting, and moter-voter registration – all to elect more Democrats.


Then the Republicans took power. And set about repealing the Democrats’ laws. And then, as sure as one bad deed leads to another, started passing new laws of their own (also in the name of good government) – the way the Republican politicians saw it a pandemic of voter fraud was loose in the country and the cure to kill that nasty germ was to inoculate everyone with massive doses of Voter IDs.  


By the time all the political machinations were done no one had clean hands but, of course, no Democrat fessed up to doing any conniving and no Republican questioned the Republicans’ counter-conniving.


Until Rand Paul (who must have known he was about to stick his head straight into the tiger’s mouth) said, Everybody’s gone completely crazy on the Voter ID thing.


That made Paul no friends in either camp. Republicans said he’d just proven he  wasn’t tough enough to be the conservatives’  candidate for President in 2016 and Democrats said they didn’t believe a word Rand Paul said because he’d once also said the 1964 Civil Rights Act wasn’t perfect.


Before sundown Paul was getting shot by politicians from both sides – which makes a pretty good case he may be exactly the man we need for President in 2016. 



May 14, 2014 at 8:43 am
James Barrett says:

"scads of mischief" is the label you use for allowing more people to participate in democracy we're all entitled to? Wow.

May 14, 2014 at 2:21 pm
Norm Kellly says:

Yes, scads of mischief is exactly the proper term.

Same day voting and registration? How does it make sense to have a date certain before an election that you MUST register but then eliminate that by saying you can vote on the same day you register. This same day register/vote is completely insane and the only reason to have it is to promote Democrat voters & politicians. You see, it makes the lib voter 'feel' like the pols actually care about them, when it's really only themselves and their power that they care about.

One other item brought out in this post. It's typically demon supporters/voters who are lazy and too easily dissuaded from getting to the voting booth. Demon supporters typically use ANY excuse to avoid voting. It's too hot; it's too cool; it's gonna rain. On the other hand, Republican voters typically are more committed to voting because we see it as a duty to freedom, our own self-interest, getting the right person elected, various other reasons. But history shows that Republicans are more committed to getting to the voting booth. It is true, however, that when a RINO is on the ballot, someone that we don't believe is worth voting for, we do stay home. This is typically the only excuse, at least within recent history, that keeps Republican voters from getting out.

So, the schemes that were put in place to promote demon supporters getting out went a long way to promoting voter fraud. The only way to reduce voter fraud is to eliminate some of the mischief put in place by the demon party.

However, to say that voter ID laws are overstepping anyone's boundaries is outrageous and incorrect. Yes, it's true that our laws, US Constitution, state Constitution provide for allowing qualified people to vote, and that right must be upheld. However, as no lib wants to admit, all of the rules/laws provide for qualified people to vote. Anyone who is NOT qualified must be prevented from voting. Allowing demons to drive buses from their churches to the voting place to promote a specific candidate should not be allowed. When a white church has ANY discussion of politics, the libs go absolutely nuts. They insist someone should be sent to jail. When the libs send a bus to the local mental hospital or nursing home to take voters to the voting location, and they have a person who is willing to 'help' those who "can't" complete the ballot on their own, or are mentally incapable of completing a ballot, do the libs complain about this? When the NuBlakPantha party stands out front of a voting place with billie clubs in their hands, intimidating white voters, do libs do anything about it? Nope. Because the NBP group was intimidating people that typically wouldn't be supporting the demon candidate.

When more than 100% of a precinct voted for the current occupier, how did the libs in control respond? They ignored the situation. They did NOT do a full investigation to find out why so many more people voted compared to how many actually exist. They did NOT investigate to determine why not even a single vote was cast for the occupier. Because the occupier is a socialist. I mean lib. I mean democRAT.

So you see, voter fraud does exist, contrary to the lib opinion. Voter ID is one step in attempting to reduce this. Voter ID is one step in attempting to make sure that the people who are casting a ballot are qualified to cast that ballot. The right does NOT exist for unqualified people. The right should be withheld from unqualified people. Do you have a better way of insuring proper voting without using ID? Voter ID is not an overreach of anyone's authority, nor does it prevent qualified people from voting. Same day registration does provide the opportunity for fraud. Same day registration IS/WAS an idea implemented by the demon party for the sole purpose, express purpose, of getting more demons to vote. This is called mischief by this post. I call it opening the floodgates to voter fraud. Exactly why the demon party is protesting voter changes so hard, loud, often.

What about making sure the right is deserved causes libs so much consternation? What about preventing fraud causes libs so much consternation? What about promoting voter fraud encourages libs? Other than promoting demon candidates, of course. When the laws in our state continue to be more generous, more favorable to promoting qualified people to vote, compared to some pretty solid socialist/lib/demon states, those libs complaining about NC don't have much ground to stand on. And what ground they are standing on is more like quicksand than ground.