
Published October 9, 2013

by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, October 9, 2013.

What if Obamacare flops? What if the public has sticker shock? What if voters blame both sides for the shutdown?


From the White House down, Democrats seem awfully confident the shutdown-Obamacare standoff will end well for them.


Plus, they say, Americans will love Obamacare once they get to know it. But suppose all they know is that their insurance company raised their premiums? Will they blame the company, or Republicans governors and legislators, or Obama?


Democrats point to how this ended in 1995. But this is 2013. It’s Obama, Reid and Boehner, not Clinton, Dole and Gingrich. It’s Obamacare+Shutdown, not just the shutdown.


Republicans have their talking points down; Carter spelled them out: We’re reasonable folks. Let’s fund the programs we agree on. We’re ready to negotiate.


Do Obama and Reid look unreasonable, refusing to negotiate?


Here is what you can be sure about: America is far more bitterly divided today than 20 years ago. Republicans have poll-tested their messages, as I’m sure Democrats have. And, above all, people have an innate suspicion that government screws up whatever it touches.


I hope Democrats haven’t mis-underestimated the enemy, as George Bush would say, or misread the battlefield.


October 9, 2013 at 9:29 am
TP Wohlford says:

Finally, someone else gets it.

The Dems wanted to do the 1995 shutdown thing 'cause they want to re-take the House and keep the Senate. They've telegraphed this for months. And until they are sure that the polls say that this won't work, the shutdown will continue.

The TEA people have said that the day of reckoning is coming, and indeed, if this is it, they seem to accept that fact. They were elected to go thru the needed pain, the "creative destruction" that economists talk about. They are not in a position to lose power over this alone.

October 9, 2013 at 10:45 am
Norm Kelly says:

'above all, people have an innate suspicion that government screws up whatever it touches.'

I would say that people have more of a historical proof that government screws up everything it touches. Democrats want us to ignore history, cuz it bodes so poorly for federal involvement. Democrats want us to ignore the outcome, and only focus on the intent. This is because the outcome has virtually never matched the intent. So Democrats point to their intent every time. The only other words Democrats can give that they HOPE will CHANGE our attitudes towards their socialist push: "it's for the children". So long as they tell us that it's for the kids, they expect we'll accept it, with open arms. Need an example? The bogus lottery push in NC by the Democrats. Couldn't wait to implement it, with huge promises of where the money would go, only to change the rules after they got their wish. But it was for the children. Nuther one? How about taxing cigarettes? If you only allow us to tax this one bad habit, we'll make sure the money is funneled to programs that support needy kids, buys textbooks, or some other such foolishness. What did conservatives say at this ploy? Just you wait, when you accept this sin tax, the liberals will come up with other sins they don't like & will want to tax. Liberals, of course, poo-poo'd the idea. But, just like good liberals always do, they found the 'fatty foods' tax, they found the 'too-large fountain drink' tax, they found the 'alcohol' tax. But if the proceeds 'help the children' then it's a good tax and a bad sin.

Liberalism calls for government control of everyday life. The natural progression from liberalism is toward socialism. Unfortunately, when liberal/socialist ideas don't win at the ballot box, the next step is to use the courts to force liberal ideas on those who have already rejected them.

So, I suggest that it's history that gives people explicit reason to doubt government involvement. It's history that proves to thinking people, anyway, that government involvement is the beginning of the screw up. The founding fathers were brilliant from this perspective. Knowing that central control was the death knell for a free America, they specified that the central planners were to be specifically limited by LAW. Except Liberals/Democrats/Socialists don't follow laws they don't like or don't believe in. Just like Congress getting an exemption from socialized medicine, contrary to the law.