Republicans need to mimic Democrats

Published October 12, 2013

by Bill Moore, Beaufort Observer, October 11, 2013.

The solution for Republicans in dealing with the Democrats is simple.  Be more like them or mimic them. I am not suggesting we take up their ideals just their bully style tactics. Look at the Democratic tactics.

Democrats will fight with Republicans demanding the most outrageous things. Up to now Republicans have given in and with a compromise that gives the Democrats a piece of what they want. Democrats would have a short celebration and then immediately start to pressure again for more for what they originally asked for. In a short time the Republicans would again give in and give the Democrats another piece of their final goal. This gets repeated until either they accomplish what they want or get close enough that an activist judge rules in their favor granting the ultimate goal.  My first example is abortion. They could not get federal approval until the Supreme Court upheld the idea of abortion as late as 20-22 weeks into the pregnancy.  Not being satisfied they continue to push for late-term and even partial birth abortions where a viable baby is born then killed. When anyone tries to put a reasonable restriction on abortion rights, such as no late-term or partial birth abortions, the left is up in arms claiming it is anti – woman.

Gay rights are another example. Democrats initially fought to get gay couples marriage rights. When they could not get that initially they accepted legislation giving gay couples legal rights the same as married couples. This included hospital visits etc. Republicans walked away satisfied the issue was settled and supported the new legislation.  Democrats immediately stated pushing to have marriage redefined to include people of the same sex. Not being able to win that point legislatively they switched to the courts where they fight a state to state battle over the definition of marriage. The point is they never give up and continue to press on all fronts.

Republicans were most likely raised in households where peace and quiet were important and compromise was the rule of the day to achieve this quiet atmosphere.  This does not work with the Left. Republicans need to adopt the same tactics. Fight for goals accepting pieces of the goal and immediately begin to fight for the rest. They also need to pay more attention to judicial appointments.

The next tactic used by Democrats is one of interruption or civil disobedience. They will have their supporters/operatives attend meetings of Republicans for the sole purpose of interrupting the event and trying to make headlines. The Tea Party started using this tactic with some success forcing Democrats to greatly scale down their town meetings. We need to go to Democratic meetings, challenge them and disrupt them as they do to Republican town halls. They call us Anarchists and Extremists. We need to counter with Marxist or Socialist. The Press will run with it as it gives them controversy and headlines.

Finally we need to use the Press as they do. Granted the Press, for the most part heavily lean Democratic. However, when you do what they do, say what they say, and make wild accusations about the other party, the Press will print or report it. Why do you think the Democrats say what they say and make accusatory remarks? It’s not for the Republicans to hear.  It is to excite their base and swing the independent and uninformed voter. Have something repeated often enough and many will believe it is true. You might say that is not how we conduct business and handle ourselves in public. I submit if we do this for a few months or even an election cycle, the Democrats will start to feel the heat of lies and innuendo. They will reach a point and drop that tactic. As unintended consequences, we might even excite the Republican base, influence the uninformed voter and get independents and Blue Dog Democrats to join in the fight and support our beliefs.

You then must be on guard for the next tactic whatever that will be. Changing the direction of this Nation before it is too late is too important to not do everything we can to defeat the leftist bullies and liars. The only way to stop a bully is to stand up and challenge them on a level playing field. We need to mimic their tactics and watch how quickly the Democratic bullies yell foul and stop those tactics.