
Published November 11, 2013

By Tom Campbell

by Tom Campbell, Executive Producer and Moderator, NC SPIN, November 11, 2013.

177x104xsiloette-5.jpg.pagespeed.ic.Zx2DZ-MtQFThere have been many through the years who wore our country’s uniforms even though they didn’t agree with the President, the Congress, our policies or even their superiors but they did their jobs and put country first, in many instances putting the ultimate good above their own good. Most of them sacrificed families, careers and many sacrificed their own lives to serve.

As I reflect on this Veteran’s Day I have to wonder what some of them think of our present state and how many believe their efforts were worth the sacrifice. Ours is a nation where politicians place higher priority on their own careers, their own agendas and their own parties than that of our nation.

How can we ask veterans and those currently wearing the uniform to sacrifice when we repay them by shutting down the government, blocking legislation and stubbornly refusing to make any sacrifice or compromise, when  it is more important for our own interests to be served than to serve others? That indictment applies equally to Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, rich and poor, as well as people of all races and sexes.

To be sure Veteran’s Day is a time to thank those who served, but more importantly it should be a time to reflect on doing what is best for our state, our nation and our people. How can we ask men and women in uniform to serve when, for all appearances, we are self-serving? Will we ever return to the time of all for one and one for all?