Schools lose this bet

Published August 24, 2023

By Gary Pearce

When North Carolina’s legislature debated whether to start a lottery 20 years ago, one argument overcame concerns about gambling and corruption: All the money would go to public schools.

The result was the Education Lottery.

Back then, Republicans opposed the lottery – period.

They pilloried then-Lt. Governor Bev Perdue for casting the tie-breaking vote to pass the lottery in 2005.

Over the years, lottery proceeds have been shifted from one school need to another. But the money has always gone to the schools.

Now Republicans have had a change of heart about gambling.

They passed sports betting this year. They’re pushing four new casinos in the state.

But the schools won’t get the money. It will go to more – yes, even more – tax cuts for big business and the rich.

The well-heeled, the politically connected and the big casino companies get all they want from this legislature.

Public schools can’t even get a budget by opening day.