The past, never past, just keeps repeating itself

Published January 16, 2025

By Carter Wrenn

The Past, Never Past, Just Keeps Repeating Itself

Off and running, campaign racing down the road, Thom Tillis ran head on into two threats: Can he beat Roy Cooper in a General Election? Can he win a primary if Trump opposes him?

Three years ago, flailing in the primary, running for Senate, Congressman Ted Budd was losing; Trump endorsed him – Budd whipped Pat McCrory. Last year, in primaries, Mark Robinson, Tim Moore, Addison McDowell, Brad Knott, all got Trump’s endorsement – all won. If Trump turns thumbs down on Tillis in the primary, Tillis lands in a ditch.

On the other hand, last year, after they won primaries, Trumpsters didn’t fare well in statewide elections. Mark Robinson, running for governor, lost by a landslide. Hal Weatherman and Dan Bishop, running for Lt. Governor and Attorney General, both lost. And those loses put Tillis between a rock and a hard place: Trump’s endorsement helps him win the primary – but hurts him in the General Election.

Can he weather that storm?

Adroitly climbing the ladder, years ago, Tillis got himself elected Speaker of the State House; short hair trimmed, wide curling lips, standing behind the Speaker’s podium lifting the gavel he’d smile but when he smiled something didn’t seem quite right.

He ran for U.S. Senate, upended an incumbent Democrat.

Neither right-wing nor left-wing in Washington he pushed to make DACA immigrants citizens, opposed Trump using an emergency declaration to build the border wall – Trumpsters groaned.

Then running for reelection in 2020, needing Trump’s support in the primary, he set out to mend fences. And Trump, facing impeachment, needing Tillis’ vote, endorsed him. Tillis won the primary. Won reelection that fall by a hair.

Trump roared the election was stolen, told Mike Pence to replace Biden Electors with Trump Electors – history repeated itself: Crossing Trump again Tillis voted to confirm Biden’s delegates. When Trump endorsed Mark Robinson, Tillis endorsed Robinson’s opponent. Robinson won the primary, branded Tillis a ‘lily-livered, jelly backed, spinless toad’ –  Trumpsters cheered.

Trump’s now back in power and Tillis, back to mending fences, is purring he’s 100% behind Trump nominees Pam Bondi and Kash Patel.

Games. And deceits. The past – never past – just keeps repeating itself.