Two different narratives of the same events

Published January 13, 2017

By Tom Campbell

by Tom Campbell, Executive Producer and Moderator, NC SPIN, January 13, 2017.

We have just witnessed one of the most divisive election campaigns in history, one that saw partisans on all sides spinning narratives to best benefit their candidates and positions. It is both amusing and somewhat amazing how two people, viewing the same facts or events, can come up with totally different interpretations, but the following story helps us in understanding more fully.

We thank J.C. Knowles, one of North Carolina’s genuine characters and great raconteurs, for sharing this story in his “North Carolina Minute” blog.

Judy Wallman, a professional genealogy researcher, was investigating her own family tree. She discovered she is related to former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, further discovering that they both share ancestry with Reid’s great-great uncle, Remus Reid, a criminal who ended his life on the gallows for horse stealing and train robbery.

The only known picture of Remus Reid shows him on the gallows in Montana territory, with a caption that reads, “Remus Reid, horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.”

Obviously fascinated by the discovery, Wallman emailed Senator Reid for more information on their ancestor. Reid’s staff sent back their spin on uncle Remus. It reads, “Remus Reid was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory. His business empire grew to include acquisitions of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed.”

So which was he, a dangerous and despicable criminal, hanged for his thievery, or an upstanding and celebrated entrepreneur and public servant? Both narratives are factually accurate and if you read the latter without further investigation you might be horribly misled. Given the facts we can easily accept that the first narrative was likely the more truthful.

This story bears importance for us because of the avalanche of social and Internet media that comes at us today. Just because something is written or told to us, just because it is delivered in convincing fashion, even if it comes from someone we know and like, it is both possible and likely that any presentation is being spun to the best advantage of the person telling it.

The lesson for us is to be judicious and alert as to how people present narratives of events and facts, understanding that not all we read and hear is all the truth all the time. It remains for us, as discerning citizens, to dig deeper and seek other sources before determining the accuracy and import and interpretation of events. Only then is it possible to better form our opinions and beliefs.

As we always close our television show, NC SPIN, it is up to each of us to “stay informed and watch out for the spin.”

January 13, 2017 at 8:54 am
Bruce Stanley says:

Great story, Tom! Funny! I'm watching out for the spin!

January 13, 2017 at 9:51 am
Norm Kelly says:

'This story bears importance for us because of the avalanche of social and Internet media that comes at us today. Just because something is written or told to us, just because it is delivered in convincing fashion, even if it comes from someone we know and like, it is both possible and likely that any presentation is being spun to the best advantage of the person telling it.'

Let's not just point fingers at social & internet media. Let's also remember that NBC (all varieties) have proven themselves tremendous liars, hell-bent on making the story fit their narratives. Let's also remember CNN is the most left-wing zealot organization outside Soros' organization (which includes the demoncrat party, simply a branch of the soros organization!). Then there's what used to be news outlets such as the NYTimes that routinely print stories without proof, without verification, that fit their narrative. Of course, we have to include McClatchy outlets. If you read the Noise & Disturber in Raleigh, you are aware that you are getting their spin, their perspective, their left-wing bent.

Instead of getting news from MANY outlets, we are getting spin and opinion. Even local WRAL news has it's faults. Since it became an NBC affiliate, it's even more questionable than it used to be. But then again, since WRAL moved to a virtual 24-hour news outlet, most stories need to be taken with a grain of salt. Seriously, from 4pm to 630pm? What can they possibly have to cover in our region/state that requires 2.5hrs? Which means they run stories they probably shouldn't or that don't have sufficient background/reliable source(s).

And then we also need to keep politicians in mind. Fortunately, the chief liar is leaving in a few days. Can't come soon enough. There's Hildabeast, recently renamed Hildaliar due to her inability to speak truth. (but according to 'news' outlets and left-wing zealots - often the same people - she lost because i hate women, i hate blacks, i hate foreigners, and i generally hate people.) And lest we forget, there's the Reid guy with dementia, and that Pelosi person (i would say woman but i'm not sure!) who said 'we have to pass it before we can know what's in it'. And 'you can keep your doctor if you like your doctor', 'you can keep your insurance if you like your insurance'.

So, the fake news, lying, misleading gets spread around to a much wider audience. Which also includes the Dept of Justice under the current law-breaking, socialist, racist occupier. And Roy seems cut from the same cloth as the current liar-in-chief. He wants to use executive authority, apparently in opposition of the law, to force medicare expansion upon our state, even if we don't want it just because HE does. How do we know the state doesn't want it? We left a veto-proof majority in the legislature!

January 13, 2017 at 11:24 am
Michael Stayton says:


Similar versions for Hillary Rodham, Tipper Gore, Laura Bush, Robert Dion(Canadian), Jane Stevens, Judy Wallman, Joe Biden

All had a distant relative named Remus.

More "fake news"

January 17, 2017 at 7:52 pm
Brandon Taylor says:

What is wrong with reporters now days? This is fake. A simple google search would have told you this was a fake article. I am with Germany on charging fees for fake news. Reporters should research article before reporting hearsay or repeating a story you saw on Facebook or got by email. Getting so tired of having to research articles to see if they are true or not.