You'll never win at Monopoly

Published December 21, 2013

By John Hood

by John Hood, John Locke Foundation and NC SPIN panelist, December 20, 2013.

During the holiday season, Hoods play board games.

Different families have different traditions. Some go caroling. Some go on trips. Hoods would rather buy Park Place, conquer Middle Earth, or wipe out zombie infestations. Hey, now — don’t judge our New Year’s Eve gaming marathon unless you’ve tried it.

While the play is all in good fun, our games are competitive. In fact, the thrill of competition is a key reason why playing games is so much fun. Competition breeds excellence and innovation. It drives self-improvement. And it challenges us to learn to win gratefully and lose graciously.

Competition works its magic far away from a “Game of Thrones” board. It makes sporting events more exciting, consumer products more useful, workers more productive, cars more luxurious, and groceries more affordable.

The same principle applies to the public sector. Although governments enjoy monopolies over particular geographic areas, they still face competition. People can choose where they want to live, invest, or open a business based upon the mix of government services and costs they prefer — although there can be a high “transaction cost” to making such a choice, in the form of relocation expenses or risk premiums.

Moreover, just because governments enjoy monopoly power to tax or regulate within a given jurisdiction doesn’t mean competition must be excluded from the provision of services. Most governments solicit competing bids to construct buildings, install software, acquire supplies, or widen roads. States such as North Carolina have also long fostered competition in educational services by including both public and private providers in their preschool programs and by offering financial aid to students regardless of whether they choose public or private colleges.

In 2013, the North Carolina General Assembly expanded the scope of educational competition by offering thousands of low-income students an opportunity scholarship to attend private schools if they wish. Lawmakers also had an opportunity to expand competition in health care, by loosening the state’s “certificate-of-need” laws to allow more competition among hospitals, but unfortunately they chose not to do so.

During a previous session, the state legislature actually went in the opposite direction by attempting to limit competition among firms providing training to bail bondsmen. In a unanimous decision, the North Carolina Court of Appeals just struck down the provision as unconstitutional. In Section 34 of its Declaration of Rights, the North Carolina Constitution declares that “perpetuities and monopolies are contrary to the genius of a free state and shall not be allowed.” Once the state set up a process for allowing bail bondsmen to become certified to offer their services to North Carolinians, the court found, it could not then create a monopoly in preparing would-be bondsmen for certification.

I’d like to see the General Assembly adopt a more consistent approach to fostering competition. Lawmakers should eliminate regulatory barriers that exclude new entrants to markets for medical care, education, transportation, and personal services. They should further limit the use of no-bid contracts in government and further expand the use of performance pay to encourage higher productivity among public employees. They should rethink the awarding of exclusive utility franchises. And they should always welcome proposals from potential vendors or purchasers of public assets if they can make a good case for how they will generate better outcomes, higher returns for taxpayers, or both.

Monopolists rarely give up their favored position without a fight. For example, the North Carolina Association of Educators, the state affiliate of the nation’s largest teacher union, has filed a lawsuit in an attempt to keep low-income families from escaping the public-school monopoly. Hospitals that dominate particular regions will continue to block competitors from entering their markets. These are understandable reactions to potential competition, although hardly praiseworthy ones.

But policymakers should remember that their job is to maximize value for the general public, not to serve the interests of incumbent firms or vested interests. Competition can be messy. It can be scary. It can lead to dramatic change. Without it, however, sustained progress is simply impossible.

December 21, 2013 at 11:02 am
Richard Bunce says:

The government that governs least governs best some wise individual once stated...

December 21, 2013 at 7:37 pm
Norm Kelly says:

I've always known that John Hood was a radical. But radical enough to propose competition in government services? And to go even further to suggest that competition in school could be good for kids? This is outrageous. Just ask a liberal. They'll be happy to tell you that competition MIGHT be good, but only might, for SOME businesses, but not all, but it is the worst thing for education. The ONLY place that ANY kid should be educated, according to good libs, is in the PUBLIC school system. A public school system MONOPOLY! Any alternative to public school, any choice for parents, should be hard to attain, expensive, limited, controlled by the state anyway.

Competition is good, unless it concerns government agencies. Competition for some things like police and fire should, understandably, be limited or avoided. Competition for garbage pickup should be mandatory, and by contract. Competition for many, if not most, other government services should be mandatory and by contract. I should NOT be forced to deal with government agencies when doing MOST business. If some business bugs me enough that I choose not to do business with them again, I can simply go to their competitor. How do I do this with a government monopoly? I CAN'T! I'm forced to deal with sub-standard service and have NO alternative.

John is right when he says competition breeds excellence. And the opposite is true also. Witness the DMV just about anywhere. They are a government monopoly. They have zero competition. Their service is AWFUL! (i was going to use the word 'sucks' but thought it might get edited out. it's true, but i don't want to offend anyone. except big dmv.) Try properly filling in DMV paperwork the first time. I even had a DMV employee highlight the fields on the paper that were supposed to be completed so I could get the transaction complete the first time. Guess what. The employee highlighted the fields incorrectly. So even though they had highlighted, in yellow, the form for me, I still had to make a second trip with the forms properly completed. Including getting it notarized. Twice. Could competition help the DMV be better? It sure as heck wouldn't hurt.

But education!? There is no way that competition could help make big education better. This is one monopoly that must not only be protected, but expanded. Competition in education should probably be made illegal in our state; to protect the kids; to prevent kids from being indoctrinated into any (god forbid!) religion. Competition in education is bad for the kids. Competition in education is bad for teachers. Competition in education is bad for tax payers. Protect big education! Even if your kid is attending a below average/underperforming school, it behooves everyone for you to keep your kid there. The only way to improve the school is for you to force your kids to muddle through and do what you can from the inside to make it better. Isn't that what makes your grocery shopping better? You muddle through the poorly stocked, poorly managed, poorly priced grocery store, so you can work from the inside to make it better? Doesn't this work at your local grocery store? So why wouldn't it also be true for your kids below-par school? Come on people. Think about what's best for big education. Stop being selfish!

December 22, 2013 at 10:02 am
Richard Bunce says:

There is a proposed bill in the Ohio legislature to require a State social services worker to approve some parent private education decisions.

December 26, 2013 at 12:04 pm
Rip says:

So we need to lower our standards - so we can have government services with lower standards?