NC SPIN Posts by Carter Wrenn

Time to turn back the clock?

In the ‘Citizens United’ case, the Supreme Court ruled a Super PAC could take unlimited donations and corporate donations. Unlimited donations have fueled corruption.    Read More

by Carter Wrenn   |   December 14, 2023


Dodging and ignoring the abortion issue don't work for Republicans if they want to win elections. They need a new tactic.    Read More

by Carter Wrenn   |   December 7, 2023

An odd gift

Trump claimed he was the first president in decades not to start a war. A fact blatantly untrue.    Read More

by Carter Wrenn   |   November 30, 2023


Trump's supporters don't like politicians, but that is exactly what Donald Trump sounds like.    Read More

by Carter Wrenn   |   October 12, 2023

Pure politics

The Lieutenant Governor likes to talk tough. But on casinos he waited until the issue was dead before he announced opposition.    Read More

by Carter Wrenn   |   October 12, 2023