NC SPIN Posts by Lib Campbell

Just war

It is ludicrous to even float the idea that we might abandon NATO. But Donald Trump and his MAGAs are rattling sabers of isolation and withdrawal from the world.    Read More

by Lib Campbell   |   February 29, 2024

The voice of dissent

People who speak truth to power, who seek justice and righteousness, who tell an Emperor he has no clothes, assume risks that few of us are willing to take.    Read More

by Lib Campbell   |   February 22, 2024

My word

This is a time when truth is fungible, lies are acceptable, alternative facts are normative and a person's word is no longer their bond.    Read More

by Lib Campbell   |   February 15, 2024

Ah, sweet love

If our actions and words do not reflect and celebrate love, we are off track. We need to find a new way to be in the world together.    Read More

by Lib Campbell   |   February 8, 2024

You go, girl

Women around the country are awakening to the fact that they need to speak out, rally, and vote to keep rights they thought were secure.    Read More

by Lib Campbell   |   January 25, 2024

Speaking as a fan

Changes may come that neuter the ACC and leave us as a bush league with intramural play. Change is part of life, but some change helps no one, except those at the top.     Read More

by Lib Campbell   |   January 11, 2024