NC SPIN Posts by Lib Campbell

No room in the inn

Today, immigrants are demonized and treated with such cruelty it’s almost unimaginable. We seem to have forgotten from whence we came.    Read More

by Lib Campbell   |   December 21, 2023

The onus is on us

Listen closely and the bells you hear might not be Christmas bells, but alarm bells. We yearn for leaders who see the vision of justice and liberty, inclusion, kindness and love.    Read More

by Lib Campbell   |   December 14, 2023

Pass the pardon, please

When you are given a "get out of jail free" card the sky is the limit as to which laws can be twisted, broken, or ignored, thumbing noses at the Justice System and the Rule of Law.     Read More

by Lib Campbell   |   December 7, 2023


Decency and kindness, generosity, hospitality, goodness and fairness build the world I want to live in. What goes around comes around.    Read More

by Lib Campbell   |   November 30, 2023

How does the creature say thanks?

Thanksgiving gives us an opportunity to lift ourselves out of our own pride and self-interest and give thanks for all that has been given us. Thanksgiving is a first step of giving credit where credit is due.    Read More

by Lib Campbell   |   November 23, 2023

Drop the Mic

Gun violence is a problem we cannot walk away from. It is folly to think guns are ever a solution to gun violence.     Read More

by Lib Campbell   |   November 2, 2023