My Spin by Tom Campbell

Railroading Eminent Domain

Governor McCrory’s pronouncement that the proposed CSX rail hub in Selma is effectively dead is both good news and bad. Without question this could be a great benefit to our state but the handling...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   January 29, 2016

The end of the beginning

After more than three years of debate and several false starts the legislature passed and Governor McCrory signed into law a Medicaid Reform law in 2015. Legislators, lobbyists, regulators, the house...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   January 8, 2016

What to expect in 2016

The big story in 2016 will be the March 15th Primaries and November 8th General Elections, campaigns that promise to be loud, negative and ugly. The airwaves will be flooded with commercials, making...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   January 4, 2016

"And that's the way it is...."

In recollecting 2015, I remember legendary CBS Newsman Walter Cronkite, who closed each evening’s newscast by saying, “And that’s the way it is..,”. Two weeks into the year the UNC Board of...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   December 25, 2015

Priceless Christmas gifts

Sometime during this season you will no doubt hear or maybe even sing “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” This spirited cumulative song, with each verse built upon the previous one, lists the...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   December 18, 2015

Which wolf are you feeding?

This is the supposed to be the season of peace on earth, good will toward mankind, but one is hard pressed to find much evidence of these qualities. At every turn we see war, unrest, depravation...    Read More

by Tom Campbell   |   December 11, 2015